Maker Pro
Maker Pro



D from BC

It was too simple, and that's the problem.
Just for the record, there were many problems with your "wanted" post:
- You used ALL UPPER CASE. That's like SHOUTING, and is bad etiquette.
- You didn't say where you are from (I'm from Australia)
- You didn't say what type of Hakko iron you wanted
- You didn't say whether you wanted new or second hand
- You didn't say if you wanted to buy one or swap one, or wanted
pickup or were happy with postage etc
- Hakko irons are dime-a-dozen on eBay and other places, both new and
second hand, so posting for such an item here, especially with
absolutely no detail at all was always going to be frowned upon.

With such a simple post people were always going to have to guess and/
or ask for more detail, thus wasting everyones time. A few seconds
work and consideration on your part up front would have solved all
that. Generally speaking, wanted ads and for sale ads are against the
general group etiquette, so you were behind the 8-ball to begin with.
Help us to help you.


Here's my 2 bits on SEDiquette...

I tend to look at SED like an information pool.
Ask yourself: Can you put back in the pool what you took out?

I would have liked to have read an opinion of what makes the Hakko so
That might be putting some back in the pool.

Actually, I think the SED pool analogy works quite well..
There are sometimes kids pissing in the pool.
There are pool filters.
Some are excellent swimmers, others drowning, some using floats,
others making waves.
The experts are using the rebreathers in the deep end.. :p

D from BC
British Columbia

D from BC

Here's my 2 bits on SEDiquette...

I tend to look at SED like an information pool.
Ask yourself: Can you put back in the pool what you took out?

I would have liked to have read an opinion of what makes the Hakko so
That might be putting some back in the pool.

Actually, I think the SED pool analogy works quite well..
There are sometimes kids pissing in the pool.
There are pool filters.
Some are excellent swimmers, others drowning, some using floats,
others making waves.
The experts are using the rebreathers in the deep end.. :p

D from BC
British Columbia

And some people adding more chlorine... :p

D from BC
British Columbia


Here's my 2 bits on SEDiquette...

I tend to look at SED like an information pool.
Ask yourself: Can you put back in the pool what you took out?

Has Sloman taken any turds out of the pool? Dimbulb?
I would have liked to have read an opinion of what makes the Hakko so
That might be putting some back in the pool.

Actually, I think the SED pool analogy works quite well..
There are sometimes kids pissing in the pool.
There are pool filters.
Some are excellent swimmers, others drowning, some using floats,

Sloman has the water-wings, swimming in yellow water.
others making waves.

Splashing isn't part of the pool party?
The experts are using the rebreathers in the deep end.. :p

You're deep, man.



If you will take the time to look, one cannot argue with ignorance. I said
what I wanted.
Those that follow convention are very wishy-washy individuals inasmuch as
thinking larger energized phosphors on a glass plate equals to shouting is
like lemmings following the leader. The banner was in caps. Get over it
and try to be an individual rather than a sheep.

I also didn't way what color or what weight or how old or where I wanted it.

The intelligent individual would respond ~thusly: I have an XXXX iron, I
want YYYY for it. I am in ZZZZ.




Boy, is this world ever in trouble. You don't wield a meat-cleaver, do you?

Since I refuse to tell you why a Hakko is a good produce, shall I hum you a
lullaby and tuck you in.

Good God Almighty!

David L. Jones


If you will take the time to look, one cannot argue with ignorance. I said
what I wanted.

But you provided no details at all.
Those that follow convention are very wishy-washy individuals inasmuch as
thinking larger energized phosphors on a glass plate equals to shouting is
like lemmings following the leader. The banner was in caps. Get over it
and try to be an individual rather than a sheep.

I am an individual thank you very much. I am one of the few who
actually support limited wanted/for sale ads on this and other similar
Nor do I personally care much about caps, top posting, or other such
nick picking etiquette.
Many others on here do care about such however, and that's all I was
pointing out.
If you want to play in the duck pond then it's not necessary to act
like a duck, but it sure helps you fit in and get along if you do.
I also didn't way what color or what weight or how old or where I wanted it.

The intelligent individual would respond ~thusly: I have an XXXX iron, I
want YYYY for it. I am in ZZZZ.

An intelligent individual would provide more information up front so
as to not waste their own time and that of others. You aren't getting
charged by the character you know, typing more and being clear about
the details helps a lot, really. Help us to help you.


D from BC

Boy, is this world ever in trouble. You don't wield a meat-cleaver, do you?

Since I refuse to tell you why a Hakko is a good produce, shall I hum you a
lullaby and tuck you in.

Good God Almighty!

I think I've been flamed!
(I'm not even sure I'm using the term right.)
Oh righty then...

Just because Mommy won't buy you a Hakko soldering station doesn't
mean you should act like a little girl who didn't get the latest
Barbie doll.
You're probably using a soldering pen to do wood burning art of Elmo
or Kermit the frog.

D from BC
British Columbia

D from BC

Actually, I am branding bulls. You provide the b.s.

Ah ha! You're branding bulls with a Hakko soldering pen aren't you?
That's sick :p
You're probably some red neck cattle rancher that saw the Hakko on the
discovery channel.
That or you're inventing the new Hakko crack-cocaine pipe and your
'little girl' posts are just drug withdrawal dribble.

D from BC
British Columbia

David L. Jones

There is no help here, David; only angst and egos and babies.

If you feel that way, why are you sticking around?
rec.crafts.metalworking might be a safer place for you to stay.



Why? Kiddo, you would never understand.

I suppose it is like a horrible traffic accident; you know there will be
blood and guts from the stupidity of the drivers but you have to see just
how stupid they really are.

Michael A. Terrell

jusme said:
Look, kiddy, he said what he liked, not what he had.

Now, try some meds or a rope.

It's time to punt you into the dimbulb pit.

Michael A. Terrell

David L. Jones said:
How about you tell us what you wanted to achieve with your initial
How are we supposed to interpret a blank message that simply screams
A more constructive and informative post up front would have avoided
any unpleasantness.

It's obvious that his "LOBOTOMY WANTED" post has been answered. :(

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Michael A. Terrell

D said:
I think I've been flamed!

'lamed' would be closer.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Michael A. Terrell

David L. Jones said:
If you feel that way, why are you sticking around?
rec.crafts.metalworking might be a safer place for you to stay.

They would drop kick this idiot out after his first post.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida


Congratulations! You have a good brand.
Too bad you don't want to sell it.
