Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Grundig VCR non-functional


Arthur Rinkel


I have found a VCR (Grundig VS520) which is not functioning, i.e.
display does not lit. I want to try to fix it, but I can't find the
problem. Hopefully somebody can help me a little.

The unit seems to have power only at the power supply part. When the
VCR is given power nothing happens at first, but after a while a
soft ticking sound emerges from the power supply part. At the same
time, a coil located at the cassette transport part of the VCR starts
to move in and out (not fast nor slow). This coil connects to a
plastic lever.

Grtz, Arthur


Check smal electrolytic capacitor in the primary power supply. If possible
with esr-meter.

Greetings PP

Gerald Spindler

(PSU pulses). Check C1045 (47uF/10V) on PSU sub panel
and if you mean the relay by "plastic coil" then it is C420 = 100 uF 25V in
supply unit.


Arthur Rinkel

(PSU pulses). Check C1045 (47uF/10V) on PSU sub panel
I couldn't find that capacitor...
and if you mean the relay by "plastic coil" then it is C420 = 100 uF 25V in
supply unit.
I've replaced the cap. and it fixed the recorder ;-) I.e., electrically it's
working, but now the child-lock is in place. According to Google this can be
unlocked with a universal code.
I'm curious though, what is the function of C420 in the PSU?

Anyway, many thanks for your help.

Grtz, Arthur