Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Greetings from the Crystal Wizard!

Hello all!
I'm coming back to electronics after 20+ years away, so please be gentle as I find my feet!
Strange how some things have changed so much, and others have not changed at all! Very disconcerting! :)

I've got a Major project in the pipeline, but will be building up to it with many small things along the way, so watch this space! (and please excuse all my stupid questions!) :)


Hop - AC8NS
Welcome to Electronics Point @Crystal Wizard. And welcome back to the electronics game. The basics have not changed, just the technology used to implement solutions. And there are NO stupid questions, just stupid answers (sometimes). Ask away and someone here will try to light the way.

Welcome aboard @Crystal Wizard
Hopefully you can give me some pointers.
I would like to tell you though that Whoo Whoo projects get shut down pretty quickly!!
As do 'powers of crystals'..
But as your forum name suggests, you should already know the answers!!

Welcome aboard @Crystal Wizard
Hopefully you can give me some pointers.
I would like to tell you though that Whoo Whoo projects get shut down pretty quickly!!
As do 'powers of crystals'..
But as your forum name suggests, you should already know the answers!!

I'll not be extolling the virtues of waving shards of Amethyst over your projects, or aligning your magnetic fields to your chakras, or any such

My main project is an Arduino-based sensor-stick, with (e.g.) GPD, temperature, Magnetic North, distance-sensor etc. Built in the shape of a walking cane, for preference, but maybe a Top Hat, if space demands. Its a Costume-prop. A magician's Wand, if you will :)
One pro-tip I'd like to share:

Don't short-circuit the 5V and GND pins of an Arduino! All the Magic Smoke escapes, and while it looks fun for a moment, you then have to wait ages for a replacement to arrive!
