Maker Pro
Maker Pro

granted electronic patent



Hello, All!

I am granted patent on electronic device and now need produce product. I am
technical person but know little business. I need investor and have write
business plan for investor. How


With best regards, Mikey. E-mail: [email protected]


Hello, martin!
You wrote on Sun, 03 Jul 2005 17:28:38 +0200:

??>> Hello, All!
??>> I am granted patent on electronic device and now need produce product.
??>> I am technical person but know little business. I need investor and
??>> have write business plan for investor. How Thank With best regards,
??>> Mikey. E-mail: [email protected]
mg> read this


Product have many tecnical part which known but make work in better way.
Patent protect low idea. Little money for patent but is protect.

With best regards, Mikey. E-mail: [email protected]


Hello, martin!
You wrote on Sun, 03 Jul 2005 17:28:38 +0200:

??>> Hello, All!
??>> I am granted patent on electronic device and now need produce product.
??>> I am technical person but know little business. I need investor and
??>> have write business plan for investor. How Thank With best regards,
??>> Mikey. E-mail: [email protected]
mg> read this


Product have many tecnical part which known but make work in better way.
Patent protect low idea. Little money for patent but is protect.

A patent doesn't protect *anything*. All it is is a license to sue. You
still have to pay the lawyers.
Mikey said:
Hello, martin!
You wrote on Sun, 03 Jul 2005 17:28:38 +0200:

??>> Hello, All!
??>> I am granted patent on electronic device and now need produce product.
??>> I am technical person but know little business.

Hey Mike,
Since you have been granted a patent, what is the number? It is easier
to provide advice once we have seen the patent.

I have worked for lawyers on both sides of the patent issue, defending
and writing work-arounds. Don Lancaster is correct that making money is

tough (unless you are a lawyer).


Rene Tschaggelar

Mikey said:
Hello, All!

I am granted patent on electronic device and now need produce product. I am
technical person but know little business. I need investor and have write
business plan for investor. How


Since patents is about bucks, what can
you shell out ?


Kevin Aylward

Mikey said:
Hello, All!

I am granted patent on electronic device and now need produce
product. I am technical person but know little business. I need
investor and have write business plan for investor. How

No one seems to be adreeing this point, so I will. Its the downer.

No one cares a toss about patents. Ideas are 10 a penny. The likelihood
that you have an idea that has any value, is next to zero. Every Tom
Dick and Harry thinks they have a greate idea. They are *millions* of
complexly worthless patents that have never made anyone any money.

A mate of mine with his own start-up, made his millions not by any
patents, but simply being the first to design a new chip that Cypress
wanted at that time. They bought his company for $30M.

Its finished product people want, not bedroom musings.

My only regret is that at the start up of my mates company, he offered
me a design job with 150,000 share options, and I went elsewhere...

Kevin Aylward
[email protected]
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.

john jardine

Kevin Aylward said:
No one seems to be adreeing this point, so I will. Its the downer.

No one cares a toss about patents. Ideas are 10 a penny. The likelihood
that you have an idea that has any value, is next to zero. Every Tom
Dick and Harry thinks they have a greate idea. They are *millions* of
complexly worthless patents that have never made anyone any money.

A mate of mine with his own start-up, made his millions not by any
patents, but simply being the first to design a new chip that Cypress
wanted at that time. They bought his company for $30M.

Its finished product people want, not bedroom musings.

My only regret is that at the start up of my mates company, he offered
me a design job with 150,000 share options, and I went elsewhere...

Kevin Aylward
[email protected]
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
As a general comment ...
Last week I came across a recent Italian patent covering the action of a
mouse scroll wheel.
A 'novel and inventive idea' in the eye of European law, this patent (claim
#1), described how the faster you scrolled the mouse wheel, the faster the
screen display moved. Whoever would have thought of that!. Incredulous, I
subsequently turned up dozens of other patents based around the scroll
wheel. All vacuous, all obvious, all without merit.

Something's now seriously amiss within the world of intellectual property
legislation. Dross patents such as these and the millions more like them are
now par for the course. Individual basic innovation and enterprise, is now
well and truly being stifled in favour of large companies with sufficient
resources to Hoover-up any and all of this kind of rubbish.
At one time there was a useful spam/junk filter, in that a proposed idea
needed to pass the test of being seen as 'worthy' by another skilled in the
same art.
No longer. These assessments now seem made by spotty kiddies who've just
passed their patent exams.

Problem is, that although this spam has no trace of any inventive or
technical merit, it is not worthless. Far from it. It is of priceless value
to the lawyers who are employed to fight over it.
They generate the spam. They defend the spam. They trouser the fortunes.

The European parliament is shortly voting on whether to allow software
patenting. I see this as an obscenity, yet know for sure the final vote
outcome. (many MEPs come from a legal background).

Then again ... as last week's New Scientist article suggested, maybe we've
just run out of ideas. We're only getting what we deserve.



John Larkin said:
Don seems like about the most non-neurotic person on Earth, after me.


****!...... does that mean that Don has no neurons and, my head hurts now,
you somehow better him. Like.... no that can't work.

Ahh, it's a relative measurement. Don doesn't have many and you have less so
you work better.



Rene Tschaggelar

john said:
As a general comment ...
Last week I came across a recent Italian patent covering the action of a
mouse scroll wheel.
A 'novel and inventive idea' in the eye of European law, this patent (claim
#1), described how the faster you scrolled the mouse wheel, the faster the
screen display moved. Whoever would have thought of that!. Incredulous, I
subsequently turned up dozens of other patents based around the scroll
wheel. All vacuous, all obvious, all without merit.

Then again ... as last week's New Scientist article suggested, maybe we've
just run out of ideas. We're only getting what we deserve.

Do we really ?
Another comment on patents.
I once made a patent research at the time the IBM server
had the american patents viewable for free. With some
spare time at hand I browsed trough a stack of patents
beside those I was to have a look at. Amazingly, at least
99% of the patents I had a look at had an invention height
such close to zero, that a logarithmic scale was required
to cathegorize them. IMO patents are the path of lawyers
to cut a slice off the juicy turkey.


Terry Given

Rene said:
john said:
As a general comment ...
Last week I came across a recent Italian patent covering the action of a
mouse scroll wheel.
A 'novel and inventive idea' in the eye of European law, this patent
#1), described how the faster you scrolled the mouse wheel, the faster
screen display moved. Whoever would have thought of that!. Incredulous, I
subsequently turned up dozens of other patents based around the scroll
wheel. All vacuous, all obvious, all without merit.

Then again ... as last week's New Scientist article suggested, maybe
just run out of ideas. We're only getting what we deserve.

Do we really ?
Another comment on patents.
I once made a patent research at the time the IBM server
had the american patents viewable for free. With some
spare time at hand I browsed trough a stack of patents
beside those I was to have a look at. Amazingly, at least
99% of the patents I had a look at had an invention height
such close to zero, that a logarithmic scale was required
to cathegorize them. IMO patents are the path of lawyers
to cut a slice off the juicy turkey.


hear hear. I've seen some seriously ridiculous patents. IMO one serious
problem is the so-called patent search. Wherein people simply search
patents to "prove" their idea is new. That only proves the idea hasnt
been patented, not that it hasnt been published or implemented.



Rene said:
john said:
As a general comment ...
Last week I came across a recent Italian patent covering the action of a
mouse scroll wheel.
A 'novel and inventive idea' in the eye of European law, this patent
#1), described how the faster you scrolled the mouse wheel, the faster
screen display moved. Whoever would have thought of that!. Incredulous, I
subsequently turned up dozens of other patents based around the scroll
wheel. All vacuous, all obvious, all without merit.

Then again ... as last week's New Scientist article suggested, maybe
just run out of ideas. We're only getting what we deserve.

Do we really ?
Another comment on patents.
I once made a patent research at the time the IBM server
had the american patents viewable for free. With some
spare time at hand I browsed trough a stack of patents
beside those I was to have a look at. Amazingly, at least
99% of the patents I had a look at had an invention height
such close to zero, that a logarithmic scale was required
to cathegorize them. IMO patents are the path of lawyers
to cut a slice off the juicy turkey.


hear hear. I've seen some seriously ridiculous patents. IMO one serious
problem is the so-called patent search. Wherein people simply search
patents to "prove" their idea is new. That only proves the idea hasnt
been patented, not that it hasnt been published or implemented.

It's impossible to search everything ever created, since many are not
published at all. However searches _are_ done on most publications (IEEE
papers, conference proceedings, etc.) before patents are issued. Perhaps
not well enough, but...

The one thing I think would solve 90% of the problems would be a 90-day
(pick a period) request for comment period before the patent issues.
During this time others can bring relevant/prior art to light, without
the cost of litigation. Of course the problem here is the last three
words. ;-)