Maker Pro
Maker Pro

GPIB 'Multidevice' API timeout



I'm using the GPIB 'multidevice' API for a project, but I find that
the default command timeout is much too long to wait. Typically, using
the 'traditional' API, I would set the timeout using the ibdev()
command when I first initialize the GPIB device. But, since I'm using
this 'multidevice' API, that isn't an option.
Does anybody know a GPIB command other than ibdev() that sets the bus



PaulH said:
I'm using the GPIB 'multidevice' API for a project, but I find that
the default command timeout is much too long to wait. Typically, using
the 'traditional' API, I would set the timeout using the ibdev()
command when I first initialize the GPIB device. But, since I'm using
this 'multidevice' API, that isn't an option.
Does anybody know a GPIB command other than ibdev() that sets the bus


Unless i mistaken that is a driver function, not a proper bus property. But
it has been 20 years, do you have a current ieee-488 spec you can lend me?


Unless i mistaken that is a driver function, not a proper bus property.But
it has been 20 years, do you have a current ieee-488 spec you can lend me?

Hi, Just adding my concurrance. ibtimo() and ibdev() are typically National
Instruments driver API calls. ibtimo() is used for an open device usingan
existing device handle. ( ibdev() is to open a device and you can set the
initial values.)
Remember the timeout value is an index not the acutal timeout. They have
defines for the times (T10, T30 etc).

What is the underlying driver that the 'multidevice API' is using?


Peter Nyffeler

Use the ibtmo command.
Note: Have a look at the lookup table in the manual to get the desired timeout


Nitro said:
Hi, Just adding my concurrance. ibtimo() and ibdev() are typically
Instruments driver API calls. ibtimo() is used for an open device using
an existing device handle. ( ibdev() is to open a device and you can set
the initial values.)
Remember the timeout value is an index not the acutal timeout. They have
defines for the times (T10, T30 etc).

What is the underlying driver that the 'multidevice API' is using?


Competitors APIs tended to be similar (a while ago, when i was fully in the
game). I guess that it may be some kind of extension of the concept and
bus command GET (Group Execute Trigger) intended to allow several
instruments to acquire simultaneously. (in a sense a sloppy borrow from