Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Gould 450 Oscilloscope


L. Crama

I am looking for the service documentation of a GOULD Oscilloscope (DSO)
450. Can anyone help me with a copy of it or tell me the value of
resistor R749? It' s burned out.

Ing. L. Crama

Phil J

Don't have a manual but have a 450 that needs repair.
R749 reads 28 ohms (red vio blk brn) and measures 27.4.
If you ever find a manual, let me know. Jeez, did Gould
even have service manuals for their DSO's ?

Phil J

L. Crama

Hi Phil,

Thanks for the resistor value! Violet is 7 so you have to read 27 Ohms.
Of course Gould has manuals but don' t sell copies of them. They asked
me to send my oscilloscope for repair but that is to expensive! More
than 1000 Euro' s.
I have searched the whole internet for a manual but no succes. When I
ever find a manual I think of you.
Now I try to repair the oscilloscope by finding damaged components. The
score is 2 resistors and one short cicuited transistor, responsible for
the burned out 27 Ohm resistor.
I put new components in and turn it ON!!
Thanks for your help and response,

Ing. L. Crama
University of Leiden, Netherlands