Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Good Tech Movies...

Has anyone else seen the movie Primer? I've watched it three times now, and it is starting to hurt my grey matter. - Any other suggestions for tech movies that are at least entertaining....and don't insult my intelligence to the point of making my ears bleed?

BTW, another movie that I enjoyed was Safety Not Guaranteed...based on a real classified ad on time travel. LOL.
I did watch Primer, i quite enjoyed it but sadly got interrupted several times so it got a bit ruined for me. Mostly technology in films annoys me as it's like the writer has never seen a computer before... also you can't zoom in and enhance indefinitly.
Haven't seen 'Primer' so I don't know how technical it is.
I watched 'Antitrust', which I thought was pretty good. It's not technical, but interesting take on big tech company manipulation of people to obtain results the boss wants.