Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Glad to be part of this knowledgebase!

Hello everyone,

I am Yoa01 (you can pretty much Google that to see who I am, if you want), and I am a musician. I play many instruments, one of which includes the synthesizer. I have done a lot of work with synthesis and now I am at that inevitable point where I want to make my own analogue synthesizer.

I joined because I am self-teaching electronics and will more than likely need some help, especially with what I have planned. I looked around the forum and saw that people really knew what they were talking about... at least, with what I could understand! :)

You're very welcome here since I am a long time fan of music synthesis. Tomita, Jarre, Tangerine Dream, Vangelis, Carlos and Fast were some of my first real musical interests. You probably know there are some synthesizer forums and even at least one dedicated to analog gear.
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