Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Getting Signal Voltage From Source Power

I used to know how to make this conversion from source power ie. 12v to signal voltage, but I have forgotten what signal is. its like 1 ohm at 1v or something like that...
can anyone help me?(ha ha ha)
that might be it.... but thats watts. and I think signal is like 1millivolts@1 watt?
or 1 millivolt @ 1kohms? anyway I remember it was millivolts, but I can't remember the other part.
signal is generally used as power for circuits like radio sets, comparators and is used as a base for all other math in the circuit...

blank slates are the cause of every great problem....
Just look at Einstien.
0 dBm I think thats it.
1 milliwatt..
that is the point at which wattage is not capable of creating exponential heat....
I think... Its been along long time since I did any electronics!
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
No it's just a reference point.

The expenditure of power, no matter how small, can cause heating.