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Maker Pro

Getting a display on computer monitor


Charlie Bress

Is there a way to get a raster up on an computer monitor without having it
tied to a computer?

I am trying to resolve a vertical sweep problem with a Gateway EV700.
The sweep is intermittent and can be affected by very light "percussive
I would like to prod around the innards with a nice long nylon rod to locate
whatever is not well connected.
This is not my monitor and I would like to work on it on a workbench that
has no access to a computer.

Are there any jumper connections to the D shell connector that will produce
a screen of any color so that I can localize the problem?


Sam Goldwasser

Charlie Bress said:
Is there a way to get a raster up on an computer monitor without having it
tied to a computer?

Depends on the monitors, probably not for modern monitors though the
menu/setup buttons on the front may be able to force it to generate
a raster to display a "no sync" message.
I am trying to resolve a vertical sweep problem with a Gateway EV700.
The sweep is intermittent and can be affected by very light "percussive
I would like to prod around the innards with a nice long nylon rod to locate
whatever is not well connected.

Do a visual inspection for cracked solder joints around the vertical
circuitry and flyback (for the power feed to the vertical deflection).
This is not my monitor and I would like to work on it on a workbench that
has no access to a computer.

If you are testing monitors, you really need some sort of PC - an ancient
laptop with a VGA connector for example.
Are there any jumper connections to the D shell connector that will produce
a screen of any color so that I can localize the problem?


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Wild Bill

Monitors require the VGA signals to have any screen display. There are small
battery operated generators that can be substituted for a PC, but the last
ones I looked at were about $50. An old 286 PC or a laptop VGA output would
work if you have any of that around.
Prodding a board with an insulated tool is a way to confirm intermittent
problems, but this method isn't extremely accurate for finding the specific
location of the fault.

Without a VGA signal source, you're next best approach would probably be a
very close visual inspection of the soldered side of the board with no power
applied. A good magnifier lamp is an effective tool for this type of
The vertical section is generally near the yoke connector, and most often
has a IC with inline pins attached to a heatsink.
This IC is a good place to start, since it generates heat and the
connections are susceptable to fatigue from thermal cycling.

If you're not completely familiar with the required safety precautions, you
should seek the services of an experienced technician.
Much more info concerning your personal safety and
troubleshooting/diagnosis/repair can be found in the repair FAQ
