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Gerry Harvey Retreats!


Don McKenzie

Well, you can knock Gerry Harvey out of the equation:

"Mr Harvey has conceded that the launch of full-page advertisements during the Boxing Day sales period was ''bad
timing'' and that the retailers' message had been poorly communicated.

He said the rise of social media such as Twitter and Facebook had increased the ''vicious and hateful'' attacks against
him and a fellow retail boss, Solomon Lew."

That's all folks.

Cheers Don...


Don McKenzie

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Rod Speed

Don said:
Well, you can knock Gerry Harvey out of the equation:
"Mr Harvey has conceded that the launch of full-page advertisements
during the Boxing Day sales period was ''bad timing'' and that the
retailers' message had been poorly communicated.
He said the rise of social media such as Twitter and Facebook had increased the ''vicious and hateful'' attacks
against him and a fellow retail boss, Solomon Lew."

A Jap would at least have the decency to disembowel itself.

Don McKenzie

A Jap would at least have the decency to disembowel itself.


Rod, I am an hour and a half behind you here, and not even the cane toads are up yet.
Can't take too much of that this early. Be gentle on senior citizens like me and Gerry. :)

Actually I think it really shook Gerry to the core. How out of date was he?

Cheers Don...


Don McKenzie

Site Map:
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These products will reduce in price by 5% every month:


Don McKenzie said:

Rod, I am an hour and a half behind you here, and not even the cane toads
are up yet.
Can't take too much of that this early. Be gentle on senior citizens like
me and Gerry. :)

Actually I think it really shook Gerry to the core. How out of date was

Cheers Don...

Even in conceding defeat, he got it wrong.
He is quoted as saying something like "I overestimated the public's interest
in the matter".
In fact, he underestimated the public's insight, its knowledge of the facts,
and its contempt of his offensive assertions.

Rod Speed

Don McKenzie wrote
Rod Speed wrote

Rod, I am an hour and a half behind you here,

Yeah, you're nearly as bad as Gerry.
and not even the cane toads are up yet.

They're up all night, silly.
Can't take too much of that this early. Be gentle on senior citizens like me and Gerry. :)

**** Gerry, up the arse with a telephone pole.
Actually I think it really shook Gerry to the core.

Its hard to know, he so much into mindless bullshit.
How out of date was he?

Yeah, he always was a fucking dinosaur, with his mindless
rant that net shopping would never take off in spades.

He's too stupid to even notice why his never did.


Well, you can knock Gerry Harvey out of the equation:

"Mr Harvey has conceded that the launch of full-page advertisements during the Boxing Day sales period was ''bad
timing'' and that the retailers' message had been poorly communicated.

He said the rise of social media such as Twitter and Facebook had increased the ''vicious and hateful'' attacks against
him and a fellow retail boss, Solomon Lew."

That's all folks.

Cheers Don...


And now he's since been on ABC radio denying that story as a complete
furphy, and he's still committed as ever.

son of a bitch

Well, you can knock Gerry Harvey out of the equation:

"Mr Harvey has conceded that the launch of full-page advertisements
during the Boxing Day sales period was ''bad timing'' and that the
retailers' message had been poorly communicated.

He said the rise of social media such as Twitter and Facebook had
increased the ''vicious and hateful'' attacks against him and a fellow
retail boss, Solomon Lew."

That's all folks.

Cheers Don...


When Harvey goes Bust, will anybody care, will government give him a
hand out.

He buys crap from china, he just doesn't want you to buy from china.

Warren Smith

"Don McKenzie" wrote in message >
Well, you can knock Gerry Harvey out of the equation:

"Mr Harvey has conceded that the launch of full-page advertisements during
the Boxing Day sales period was ''bad timing'' and that the retailers'
message had been poorly communicated.

He said the rise of social media such as Twitter and Facebook had
increased the ''vicious and hateful'' attacks against him and a fellow
retail boss, Solomon Lew."

I'd hate to think of the number of small familty run computer retailers
Gerry Harvey knocked out of business when he went to China and filled a ship
up with cheap PC's, IT equipment, telephones etc. Then bought them all back
here and took over the IT market with the lowest prices.

God forbid that his customers took their cheap PC's home and actually put
them to use by buying other goods from overseas. Horror!

Warren Smith
[email protected]


"Don McKenzie" wrote in message>

I'd hate to think of the number of small familty run computer retailers
Gerry Harvey knocked out of business when he went to China and filled a ship
up with cheap PC's, IT equipment, telephones etc. Then bought them all back
here and took over the IT market with the lowest prices.

God forbid that his customers took their cheap PC's home and actually put
them to use by buying other goods from overseas. Horror!

Warren Smith
[email protected]

What cheap prices? Its the family run IT businesses that get my custom,
they include knowledge and service thrown it.

Most computer hardware is purchased through Australian wholesalers.
(even by the small retailers at fairs) Just that to compare prices shows
the mark up and HN are at the top of the list.

Don McKenzie


F Murtz

Don said:

The problem is that collecting tax cost money and on the amounts
mentioned the return could be revenue neutral or even cost more than
gained, so the govt would not gain. the only people that think they
would gain are people like Harvey (but they probably would not).
I suppose public service jobs would inflate but that is not good.
I hope the government holds their ground and does not cave in to big

Bruce Cook

F said:
The problem is that collecting tax cost money and on the amounts
mentioned the return could be revenue neutral or even cost more than
gained, so the govt would not gain. the only people that think they
would gain are people like Harvey (but they probably would not).
I suppose public service jobs would inflate but that is not good.
I hope the government holds their ground and does not cave in to big

I don't think 10% tax is the actual issue - online prices would still be way
lower than AU retailers even after adding 10% (I've seen 900% markups on
some items in Au stores compared to online).

I think what they really want is to impose a GST scheme for online to make
collecting your goods such a pain in the ass that it's easier to just use
the retailers.

Think about what would happen if customs stopped every item coming into AU
in the post to collect the GST.

In aus.electronics Bruce Cook said:
Think about what would happen if customs stopped every item coming into AU
in the post to collect the GST.

Parcels are randomly stopped & inspected regardless of their value.
So GST doesn't impose anything extra AFAIK.

I haven't received any items >100 aud in the past couple of years,
but I seem to remember all that happens is the parcel guy demands
money at the door or he won't leave it. I think you get a prior
notification that you need to pay, so you have the money ready.
I think the parcel guy accept credit cards. So no sweat.
In aus.electronics Bruce Cook <[email protected]> w
Think about what would happen if customs stopped every item coming into AU
in the post to collect the GST.

Parcels are randomly stopped & inspected regardless of their value.
So GST doesn't impose anything extra AFAIK.

I haven't received any items >1000 aud in the past couple of years,
but I seem to remember all that happens is the parcel guy demands
money at the door or he won't leave it. I think you get a prior
notification that you need to pay, so you have the money ready.
I think the parcel guy accept credit cards. So no sweat.

Rod Speed

Parcels are randomly stopped & inspected regardless of their value.

But only a small subset of the total.
So GST doesn't impose anything extra AFAIK.

More fool you. There is a hell of a difference between
just randomly Xraying a tiny subset of the parcels from
particular places etc, and checking the declared value on
all of them, let alone charging the GST on all of them.
I haven't received any items >100 aud in the past couple of years,
but I seem to remember all that happens is the parcel guy demands
money at the door or he won't leave it.

Nope, you get a card in the post and you go to the post office and
pay the amount the card specifys to them before you get the parcel.
I think you get a prior notification that you
need to pay, so you have the money ready.

Its not collected by the posty.
I think the parcel guy accept credit cards.

The post office certainly does.
So no sweat.

Pity about the cost of all that when the GST collected is peanuts, stupid.


Benway said:
Th reason big retailers backed the GST was because
crazy old non-core Johnny assured them the GST would
knock-off all the small competition that was creeping
up on the big boys. The free ride seems to be over,
and now they are screaming and wailing.

They figured they would close the sales tax lurk(import a lot of stuff,
run up sales tax bill, go broke, fire sales to self in different name).
worked for two years maximum and then the same people worked out how to
fiddle GST.

Jasen Betts

The problem is that collecting tax cost money and on the amounts
mentioned the return could be revenue neutral or even cost more than
gained, so the govt would not gain. the only people that think they
would gain are people like Harvey (but they probably would not).
I suppose public service jobs would inflate but that is not good.
I hope the government holds their ground and does not cave in to big

for cheap stuff they only need to slap an (or another) invoice pouch
on the package with a bill, the recipient can pay it on-line or at the
post office like other tax bills.

break-even's probably about $5 GST, and most parcels will qualify for
that because shipping is going to be $25 for a start, its probably
easier to just hit them all.

F Murtz

Jasen said:
for cheap stuff they only need to slap an (or another) invoice pouch
on the package with a bill, the recipient can pay it on-line or at the
post office like other tax bills.

break-even's probably about $5 GST, and most parcels will qualify for
that because shipping is going to be $25 for a start, its probably
easier to just hit them all.

What about the thousands of things that cost a few dollars total,
postage included,

Rod Speed

Jasen Betts wrote
for cheap stuff they only need to slap an (or another) invoice pouch
on the package with a bill, the recipient can pay it on-line or at the
post office like other tax bills.

Its more complicated than that when so many are prepared
to lie about the value of what they sell with exports.

I even had one take the label off a very expensive filter that had a lot of duty
owing on it and post the label separately, without me even asking them to do that.
break-even's probably about $5 GST,

Nope, it costs a lot more than that to check the real value of the item.
and most parcels will qualify for that because shipping is going
to be $25 for a start, its probably easier to just hit them all.

Not when you have to check if the declared value is correct.

It would cost more than $5 to collect the GST at the post office anyway.

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