Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Gerber File

What computer program will allow me to make a gerber file, in a format readable to most manufacturers? It can be free or paid, just not horribly expensive. Thanks for your help!
A Gerber File is simply a flat text file that contains a list of coordinates and aperture sizes... Any PC board layout software should generate them...

You will find that Cadsoft Eagle is probably the most used by hobbyist... But there are plenty of free and other alternatives out there if you Google... I don't have much experience to give recommendations on the lower cost ones (besides Eagle) as I have been using a professional 'high' cost suite for so long now it's been ages since I tinkered with any other...

Harald Kapp

Eagle is a good entry level program. The free version is somewhat limited with respect to the size of the circuit and PCB. But useful nevertheless.
An alternative is "DesignSpark PCB". It is also free but allows bigger designs (for practical purposes almost unlimited). Also note that DesignSpark PCB is "powered by RS components" meaning it will support preferably (but not exclusively) components that are sold by RS.