Maker Pro
Maker Pro

General purpose single-supply op-amp?


Bob Masta

Can anyone recommend a good general purpose
single-supply op-amp? Something better than
the old LM324 (which has high input current and
noise, plus a flaky output stage)?

This question has come up before (I asked it myself
back in 2001) and I've never seen a solid answer.
There are a zillion and three single-supply amps
out there, most with part numbers long enough
to choke a server. Surely *somebody* has something
that's a decent middle-of-the-road part, similar
to the TL08x or LF35x series for dual supplies.
The kind of thing you would stock up on if you
were placing an order anyway, just to keep on

Now, I realize there are some specs here that
nobody worries too much about for dual-supplies,
such as just how close to the rails you can get.
That's OK. I'd just like to hear what people are
finding useful, to point me in the right direction.


Bob Masta

Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope, Spectrum, Spectrogram, Signal Generator
Science with your sound card!

John Popelish

Bob said:
Can anyone recommend a good general purpose
single-supply op-amp? Something better than
the old LM324 (which has high input current and
noise, plus a flaky output stage)?

This question has come up before (I asked it myself
back in 2001) and I've never seen a solid answer.
There are a zillion and three single-supply amps
out there, most with part numbers long enough
to choke a server. Surely *somebody* has something
that's a decent middle-of-the-road part, similar
to the TL08x or LF35x series for dual supplies.
The kind of thing you would stock up on if you
were placing an order anyway, just to keep on

Now, I realize there are some specs here that
nobody worries too much about for dual-supplies,
such as just how close to the rails you can get.
That's OK. I'd just like to hear what people are
finding useful, to point me in the right direction.

If you want a drop in replacement for the LM324 that is
better in almost every respect, take a look at the LT1014:,C1,C1154,C1009,C1099,P1223,D3743
Of course, it costs a lot more, also, but it is now sourced
by at least 3 makers.

john jardine

Bob Masta said:
Can anyone recommend a good general purpose
single-supply op-amp? Something better than
the old LM324 (which has high input current and
noise, plus a flaky output stage)?

This question has come up before (I asked it myself
back in 2001) and I've never seen a solid answer.
There are a zillion and three single-supply amps
out there, most with part numbers long enough
to choke a server. Surely *somebody* has something
that's a decent middle-of-the-road part, similar
to the TL08x or LF35x series for dual supplies.
The kind of thing you would stock up on if you
were placing an order anyway, just to keep on

Now, I realize there are some specs here that
nobody worries too much about for dual-supplies,
such as just how close to the rails you can get.
That's OK. I'd just like to hear what people are
finding useful, to point me in the right direction.


Bob Masta

Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope, Spectrum, Spectrogram, Signal Generator
Science with your sound card!

For the past year been using the Cmos, rail to rail in and out, TS914. It's
one of those chips that can be plugged in without thinking and just does
it's stuff.
Also developing a healthy respect for the TS974.
(Cost is the main driver for my usage).

Anthony Fremont

Bob said:
Can anyone recommend a good general purpose
single-supply op-amp? Something better than
the old LM324 (which has high input current and
noise, plus a flaky output stage)?

I'm just a hobbyist, but I kinda like these:

They're cheap enough, and haven't given me any stability problems on
protooards. The big catch is they're limited to a maximum 5V supply. Works
for me, but ymmv. ;-)