Other than dealing with the hourly crash and an autorouter that does an
absolutely miserable job, I've grown accustomed to my creaky old Client.
I have a huge library of schematic and pcb parts, so there is an
investment. Upgrading to a newer Protel seems to be somewhere in the
neighborhood of 10K USD, money better spend on my kids' education, so
that's out.
I'm curious to know how the gEDA suite stacks up against what I'm using.
Two-sided boards with surface-mount and through-hole, no integration
with simulation needed. Hierarchal schematics. Detailed BOMs. Get me
elected Queen of the May if I wish. Just basic stuff.
I have designed many PCB based boards (2-6 layers) over the years(10 or
so). The current versions of PCB has grown to be a very useful and
powerful layout tool. It has useful features and most of them work
well. When there is a problem, I can usually dig into the PCB files
(since they are ASCII) and either fix it by hand or at least understand
what's wrong. I have also fixed some problems in earlier version of
PCB. Having sources was a lifesaver on at least one project.
The learning curve of PCB is pretty steep, since the documentation is a
bit dated. Often I would have to go to the source to figrue out new
features. Generating adhoc footprints is easy unside PCB, since you can
group copper/silk and then convert then into a component footprint.
Never mastered using M4 to parametrically generate footprints, but I
have written some of my own tools (Tcl and C) to generate footprints,
easy since the files are in ASCII.
I have recently (last year or so), started using gEDA has my primary
CAD toolchains. Before gEDA, I would use OrCad under windows to create
schematics/netlist and then convert the netlists to PCB. Kind of a
hassle, since OrCad didn't run well under Wine and I never bothered to
compile PCB under Cygwin.
It took me a little while to figure out how to generate symbols under
gschem, and it's still a little cumbersome. However, as I'm learning
more features all this becomes easier and faster. gschem is definately
more robust than many Windows based CAD tools I have used in the past.
I can't count how often OrCad, P-Cad, etc. have hung under Windows, or
learned sequence of commands you can't do without chance of crashing.
Also, being able to look at and edit the ASCII files is a bonus !
So far I have done 3 double sided boards within gEDA and had no serious
problems getting them done. Also, there were no mysterious netlist
errors, which I always battled with when trying to export netlist from
commercial tools (e.g. OrCad). One of the boards was a prototype for a
USB programming dongle board ar work, which had a 32pin QFP, a few
connectors and a handfull of SMT parts (0805, SOT-223, SOT-23, SizeA
Cap, 2mm and 50mil dual row headers). Only the SMT dual row header
require my own custom footprints in PCB. In gschem, I had to make a
symbol for a FT232BM, I think that was it.
Features I have not used, are buses in gschem and it's Spice
interface. Also, I have not made extensive use of gattrib and the
various netlist exporters to generate BOMs, etc... I have not used
the auto place function in PCB. And I'm still baffled at the symantics
of how gsch2pcb generates the inital layout file, as well as new
versions of it; I somehow think orthogonal to it..., at least I'm
able to get netlists into PCB reliably.
Finally, I'm just ecstatic that I can run my whole tool chain under
Linux now. Also, I find it useful that I can share my designs with
almost anyone, since they can run the same tools I'm, as supposed to
negotiating what CAD format we use. I did like Eagle, but the file
format is closed and you end up having to spend $ to get a useful
version, anyway. I would probably like Eagle more and be willing to pay
for a full version, if the file format was open. On the other hand, I'm
very happy with gEDA, for now.
It's probably easiest to get started pick a non-critical and simple
board, grab some of the tutorials on gEDA and dive into it and ask
questions or google when you get stuck.
Later, -ingo