Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Galvanic gate for linear and digital signals

Hi all.
I got a topic for my semester project.
"Galvanic gate for linear and digital signals
- 2 input channel in the range of +- 10V
- 4 output channels in the range of +-10 V
- 8 input TTL digital channels
- 8 output TTL digital channels
- DC level transfer
- 5 kHz bandwidth"

Please help me with this.
I don't understand what to do.


I have moved this to homework as its obviously schoolwork

you can start by showing us what ideas you have for a start for this project
to be given something relatively complex like that, you must have covered some or most of this in your coursework.

start by googling some of those references like ""Galvanic gate for linear and digital signals", and see what yuou come up with .... post info here and people here can give you some additional guidance.
