Maker Pro
Maker Pro

G.E. Transistor Manual - just doesn't cut it any more.


Stepan Novotill

I'm dissapointed with my old GE transistor manual 7th ed'n from 1964
(Please don't split a side laughing - it's all I've got)

Does anyone know of a good web resource where you can learn about BJTs
and FETs, including audio, saturating and non-saturating switching, RF
to approx 50MHz, noise figure considerations, use with tuned circuits
and transformers, oscillators, etc? Something with LOTS of advanced
practical advice, worked out examples, as well as BASIC and advanced
theory, plus info on modern mathematical models for transistors?

Somehow, I'm afraid I'm going to regret having asked this question,
but oh well...

Thanks from Stepan

Jim Thompson

I'm dissapointed with my old GE transistor manual 7th ed'n from 1964
(Please don't split a side laughing - it's all I've got)

Does anyone know of a good web resource where you can learn about BJTs
and FETs, including audio, saturating and non-saturating switching, RF
to approx 50MHz, noise figure considerations, use with tuned circuits
and transformers, oscillators, etc? Something with LOTS of advanced
practical advice, worked out examples, as well as BASIC and advanced
theory, plus info on modern mathematical models for transistors?

Somehow, I'm afraid I'm going to regret having asked this question,
but oh well...

Thanks from Stepan

Quite frankly I learned a lot from that edition and an earlier one.
It served me quite well as a starting point to investigate further and
write my own equations. (I still have the 1964 edition, but the
earlier one is gone, though I can picture it well in my head.)

...Jim Thompson

John Larkin

Quite frankly I learned a lot from that edition and an earlier one.
It served me quite well as a starting point to investigate further and
write my own equations. (I still have the 1964 edition, but the
earlier one is gone, though I can picture it well in my head.)

...Jim Thompson

There were two 1964 editions, the Seventh Edition and the Revised
Seventh, the "Light-Weight Edition". Both cost $2. Weird.

The introduction to transistor theory, the first hundred pages
roughly, are excellent.


Michael Black

John said:
There were two 1964 editions, the Seventh Edition and the Revised
Seventh, the "Light-Weight Edition". Both cost $2. Weird.

The introduction to transistor theory, the first hundred pages
roughly, are excellent.


And it's the book I go to for all my tunnel diode needs. (Not
that I actually have any need for tunnel diodes.)


Chris Quayle

John said:
There were two 1964 editions, the Seventh Edition and the Revised
Seventh, the "Light-Weight Edition". Both cost $2. Weird.

The introduction to transistor theory, the first hundred pages
roughly, are excellent.


I still have the 1964 copy, as well as one from '67, though both are
quite dogeared. An very good series of handbooks of a type that you just
don't see anymore. The excellent section (well, for it's time) on
digital logic was my first introduction to binary and gates, using
discreet transistors and diodes of course and kicked off a whole new
area of interest which eventually bought me lunch and has kept me afloat
for 30 or so years.

The GE Thyristor Manual is also excellent if you are into power
electronics and worth a read if you can find a copy, as is the RCA
series (transistor manaual, tunnel diode manual etc) from around the
same time...


Watson A.Name - Watt Sun

Jim-T@golana- said:
Quite frankly I learned a lot from that edition and an earlier one.
It served me quite well as a starting point to investigate further and
write my own equations. (I still have the 1964 edition, but the
earlier one is gone, though I can picture it well in my head.)

...Jim Thompson

Can you picture the 6th ed, where the index in the back says:

Choppers - See Teeth

So you look under teeth and it says:

Teeth - see Choppers


I inherited that and the 4th, and also the thin 1st ed (it isn't
marked) from a guy I knew back in the '70s. I already had the Revised
7th Ed from earlier.

###Got a Question about ELECTRONICS? Check HERE First:###
My email address is whitelisted. *All* email sent to it
goes directly to the trash unless you add NOSPAM in the
Subject: line with other stuff. alondra101 <at>
Don't be ripped off by the big book dealers. Go to the URL
that will give you a choice and save you money(up to half). You'll be glad you did!
Just when you thought you had all this figured out, the gov't
changed it:

Watson A.Name - Watt Sun

I still have the 1964 copy, as well as one from '67, though both are
quite dogeared. An very good series of handbooks of a type that you just
don't see anymore. The excellent section (well, for it's time) on
digital logic was my first introduction to binary and gates, using
discreet transistors and diodes of course and kicked off a whole new
area of interest which eventually bought me lunch and has kept me afloat
for 30 or so years.

The GE Thyristor Manual is also excellent if you are into power
electronics and worth a read if you can find a copy, as is the RCA
series (transistor manaual, tunnel diode manual etc) from around the
same time...

I found one for ten bucks if anyone is interested.

###Got a Question about ELECTRONICS? Check HERE First:###
My email address is whitelisted. *All* email sent to it
goes directly to the trash unless you add NOSPAM in the
Subject: line with other stuff. alondra101 <at>
Don't be ripped off by the big book dealers. Go to the URL
that will give you a choice and save you money(up to half). You'll be glad you did!
Just when you thought you had all this figured out, the gov't
changed it: