Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Fuses for the golden-eared boys


Rich Grise

Whatever happened to CDC ?

When I worked there, they (CDC) had just bought MPI and they were
still trying to figure out how to name it. There was one test unit
I worked on: the "Micro-Programmable Processor" which was a TTL
(74181, etc) processor with a 168 ns microinstruction cycle. Some
executive said, "MPI Doesn't make processors!" so they renamed it
the "Enhanced Normandale Controller/Tester". ("Normandale" was kind
of a district of Minneapolis - the plant was right off "Normandale
Blvd." FWIW.

The ENCT was used to torture-test huge drives - at the time, it
took a stack of 10X 14" platters to store 300 MB. =:-O The whole
thing was about the size of a desk, but taller, and had two of
those 10-platter disk packs, which were hermetically sealed and

Eventually, I guess CDC went broke or something - I had long since
changed jobs.



Jan said:
I swapped the Stingray's fuse first and upon powering up, I noted the
difference right away, even from a cold start. I noted slightly greater
transparency and less hash and grain, not unlike a decent power cable.
End quote.

I notice some carbon resistors on the mains panel where the fuse is.
These should be replaced by lower noise metal film.

Talk about a little knowledge being a dangerous thing.



Rich said:
A billion years ago, when the fuses screwed into the same type socket as
a light bulb, they used to recommend a penny as a temporary replacement
until you could get to town to buy a new fuse.

Then, somebody invented the fustat. ;-)


Some years ago I was working at a place where we had the contract for
all the cop car radios, but we had to do the blue lights, sirens etc.,
as well.

One fine day, a cop was on a chase and his blue lights went faulty and
blew the fuse, so he stuffed a .38 bullet in the fuse holder to keep it
going. The bullet eventually cooked off and put a hole in the side of
the car. (This was central Florida, after all).




Eeyore said:
Talk about a little knowledge being a dangerous thing.


So as knowledge tends to the limit of zero (dk -> 0), the danger becomes
an integral of his wallet. I can live with that (if I can figure out
something to sell him).




A mate of mine noticed this recently. I can't recall seeing gold-plated
fuses advertised before, but it does seem such an obvious device for
parting an audiophool from their money that it must have been done

I wonder how you'd write the patent.

Claim 1. A new device for separating high fidelity enthusiasts from
their money .....

Think that's outrageous?? Check this receptacle out!!!
Dave M
MasonDG44 at comcast dot net (Just substitute the appropriate characters in the

Some days you're the dog, some days the hydrant.


Mike Monett said:
Another jewel of wisdom:

"Some believe higher performance is possible by using a fuse rated higher
than the stock one."


Mike Monett

Think that's outrageous?? Check this receptacle out...

Bargain priced at only $147.72 each!!!!!!!!
Dave M
MasonDG44 at comcast dot net (Just substitute the appropriate characters in the

Some days you're the dog, some days the hydrant.

Mike Monett

Fred Bartoli
But you get free shipping for these :)

Unbelievable. Now all we need to do is ship bottles of audio-grade
electrons. Just plug it into your gold-plated socket and it will clean all
your electrons overnight.


Mike Monett

Antiviral, Antibacterial Silver Solution:
SPICE Analysis of Crystal Oscillators:
Noise-Rejecting Wideband Sampler:

Fred Bartoli

Mike Monett a écrit :
Fred Bartoli

Unbelievable. Now all we need to do is ship bottles of audio-grade
electrons. Just plug it into your gold-plated socket and it will clean all
your electrons overnight.

You are way way behind us.
Just paypal me $99.99 (special low price 'til end of month) and I'll
email you some samples.
Then updating your MP3 player is POC: you just have to connect it to
your PC usb port and click the button right in the middle of the
message. Then wait for a few minutes (at least 15) that all the spins
align correctly and you'll enjoy a totally new sound experience.

Only $99.99, no shipping (isn't internet formidable?) and guaranteed no
need for gold plated outlets and other crap that wear out.


Mike said:
Fred Bartoli

Unbelievable. Now all we need to do is ship bottles of audio-grade
electrons. Just plug it into your gold-plated socket and it will clean all
your electrons overnight.


Mike Monett

Bottles of the below ? It would probably work !

For that antibacterial sound !


Ross Herbert

Think that's outrageous?? Check this receptacle out...

Bargain priced at only $147.72 each!!!!!!!!

And heaven forbid you should plug and unplug enough times to wear the
gold plating off the brass friction female terminals - they would then
be totally useless or the missing gold plating would introduce
intolerable distortion. Oh, and of course, the brass pins on the
equipment lead plug would also have to be gold plated to eliminate
dissimilar metal contact distortion :)

Ross Herbert

I swapped the Stingray's fuse first and upon powering up, I noted the
difference right away, even from a cold start. I noted slightly greater
transparency and less hash and grain, not unlike a decent power cable.
End quote.

I notice some carbon resistors on the mains panel where the fuse is.
These should be replaced by lower noise metal film.

Those are Zero Ohm fusible links if I'm not mistaken, just in case the
fuse doesn't do its job.

And did you notice the soldered connections on the board are tin-lead
and the transformer connectors are zinc passivated 1/4" QC types - a
great source of non-linear contact distortion. Then the power
transformer uses copper wire which would just have to introduce
extreme distortion - but then, perhaps I am mistaken and the copper
wire is actually polarised and grain orientated and this cancels out
non-linear artefacts in the AC current, however, I feel that it should
have at least been gold or silver-plated wire to achieve the best
audio performance.

The fuse-holder contacts also look like they are on-edge wiper
contacts which reduce the contact area to the fuse end caps to a very
small area indeed. Surely the reviewer (Paul Candy) would have noticed
these obvious points which could be modified so as to maximise the
audio performance even more than that due to the Isoclean fuse itself

Jan Panteltje

Fred Bartoli

Unbelievable. Now all we need to do is ship bottles of audio-grade
electrons. Just plug it into your gold-plated socket and it will clean all
your electrons overnight.

I thought are there any gold plated power stations?, but then I had this
business idea:
Golden generators.
Runs on gasoline.
Adds that nice low frequency warm sound.

Chris Jones

Ross said:
And heaven forbid you should plug and unplug enough times to wear the
gold plating off the brass friction female terminals - they would then
be totally useless or the missing gold plating would introduce
intolerable distortion. Oh, and of course, the brass pins on the
equipment lead plug would also have to be gold plated to eliminate
dissimilar metal contact distortion :)

That's why you need solid gold, then the plating can't wear off.

Jeff L

Jan Panteltje said:
I swapped the Stingray's fuse first and upon powering up, I noted the
difference right away, even from a cold start. I noted slightly greater
transparency and less hash and grain, not unlike a decent power cable.
End quote.

I notice some carbon resistors on the mains panel where the fuse is.
These should be replaced by lower noise metal film.

Actually, they are jumpers - see the single black stripe ;-)

Michael A. Terrell

ehsjr said:
Eeyore wrote:

Marketing opportunity!!

Go to a car stereo place. They sell gold plated fuse holders, splice
blocks and battery terminals. In fact, I saw some gold plated car
battery terminals at Autozone on Friday.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Rich Grise

Some years ago I was working at a place where we had the contract for
all the cop car radios, but we had to do the blue lights, sirens etc.,
as well.

One fine day, a cop was on a chase and his blue lights went faulty and
blew the fuse, so he stuffed a .38 bullet in the fuse holder to keep it
going. The bullet eventually cooked off and put a hole in the side of
the car. (This was central Florida, after all).

No, that was a fisherman, it was a .22, and it hit him in the testicle. ;-)


Rich Grise

That's why you need solid gold, then the plating can't wear off.

Isn't real, live, "solid gold" so soft you can scratch it with your
