if you follow this link and find a 3-18-16 posting you will see a code example.
the image has 47 lines of assembly code for the 12F508 uC.
and line 3 shows how its 4 fuse-bits are configured.
this makes the GP3/MCLR pin on the uC function as a reset input.
this is handy when you want to reset the uC without having to cycle the +5V supply
if instead it reads
then this same pin is now available to be used as a digital input pin. and if you want to
reset the uC now you will have to cycle the 5V power.
to learn the other fuse-bits that can be set for a uC chip download its documentation.
and find the section 'configuration bits' . for this 12F508 that'd be on p. 41 of
the '08 version of the doc' = DS41236E
this 508 uC has 4 bits that are configurable. yet only one has a 'fuse' nature.
that'd be the CP bit. code-protect. by fuse-nature i mean once its 'ON' the code
loaded onto the uC cannot be changed/edited any further. so be careful with
that bit. or it'll cost you the price of a new chip if you want to edit the code any
on line 3 look for ....... & _CP_OFF & ....
the other 3 fuse-bits for the '508 can be changed as many times as you want to on
the same uC chip.
i dont know why they are called 'fuse bits' . guess its a leftover term from the days
of earlier uC designs