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Maker Pro

Funai taking over Phillips brand name for tvs


Stating that its results had been "clouded" by adversity in the
television market, Royal Philips Electronics this morning announced
that its core profit for the first quarter fell 28% on sales that
increased just over half a percentage point.

Overall EBITA (earnings before interest, taxes, and amortization) for
the company, which includes healthcare and lighting divisions in
addition to consumer products from electric toothbrushes to
televisions, fell to EURO 265 million ($420 million) from EURO 370 million
($586 million) a year ago. Overall sales ticked up slightly to EURO 5.965
billion ($9.46 billion), compared with EURO 5.930 billion ($9.40 billion)
a year ago. The company noted that first-quarter revenue last year had
enjoyed a EURO 733 million ($1.2 billion) bump from the partial sale of
Philips' stake in TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp).

The Consumer Lifestyle division, which includes domestic and cosmetic
appliances as well as music players and "connected
displays" (including televisions), turned in grim results, with EBITA
down 45% to EURO 77 million ($122 million) from EURO 141 million ($223
million) in Q1 2007; sales fell 5% from EURO 2.82 billion ($4.5 billion)
to EURO 2.66 billion ($4.2 billion). The company noted that EBITA for
connected displays dropped by EURO 44 million ($70 million).

Philips intends to sign a five-year deal with Japan's Funai, which
will take over sourcing, distribution, marketing, and sales of Philips-
branded televisions in North America effective in September. Last
month, Philips also announced a further reduction of its stake in LG

Mark D. Zacharias

hr(bob) [email protected] said:

Stating that its results had been "clouded" by adversity in the
television market, Royal Philips Electronics this morning announced
that its core profit for the first quarter fell 28% on sales that
increased just over half a percentage point.

Overall EBITA (earnings before interest, taxes, and amortization) for
the company, which includes healthcare and lighting divisions in
addition to consumer products from electric toothbrushes to
televisions, fell to EURO 265 million ($420 million) from EURO 370 million
($586 million) a year ago. Overall sales ticked up slightly to EURO 5.965
billion ($9.46 billion), compared with EURO 5.930 billion ($9.40 billion)
a year ago. The company noted that first-quarter revenue last year had
enjoyed a EURO 733 million ($1.2 billion) bump from the partial sale of
Philips' stake in TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp).

The Consumer Lifestyle division, which includes domestic and cosmetic
appliances as well as music players and "connected
displays" (including televisions), turned in grim results, with EBITA
down 45% to EURO 77 million ($122 million) from EURO 141 million ($223
million) in Q1 2007; sales fell 5% from EURO 2.82 billion ($4.5 billion)
to EURO 2.66 billion ($4.2 billion). The company noted that EBITA for
connected displays dropped by EURO 44 million ($70 million).

Philips intends to sign a five-year deal with Japan's Funai, which
will take over sourcing, distribution, marketing, and sales of Philips-
branded televisions in North America effective in September. Last
month, Philips also announced a further reduction of its stake in LG

Any bad news for Philips is music to my ears.

Mark Z.
Any bad news for Philips is music to my ears.

Mark Z.- Hide quoted text -

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Ok - But it means a good product is going to be even harder to find,
Philips was not great, but better than Funai.

Bob H

Andy Cuffe

Ok - But it means a good product is going to be even harder to find,
Philips was not great, but better than Funai.

Bob H

Funai has been making a large portion of Philips branded electronics
for over 10 years. I guess they might as well make it official.
Andy Cuffe

[email protected]

Mark D. Zacharias

Any bad news for Philips is music to my ears.

Mark Z.- Hide quoted text -

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Ok - But it means a good product is going to be even harder to find,
Philips was not great, but better than Funai.

This is almost TOO easy...

Much of what we consider to be the poor state of the consumer electronics
industry, at least insofar as poor serviceability, cost-effectiveness of
repair, poor customer service, manufacturing in China using children and
political prisoners, shoddy manufacture, and a generally complete disregard
for the customer and servicers alike, was largely because of companies like
Philips in the first place.

Figuratively speaking, they should be hunted down around the globe like

In my view any good products they may have occasionally made are cancelled
out by their virtually criminal lack of support.

Mark Z.

Leonard Caillouet

Any bad news for Philips is music to my ears.

Mark Z.- Hide quoted text -

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Ok - But it means a good product is going to be even harder to find,
Philips was not great, but better than Funai.

Bob H

I don't think that you can make a case that Philips products nor their
service support have been better than Funai in the areas that they have
similar products.
