Maker Pro
Maker Pro

friendly ARM MINI2440 port access help

I have a doubt if the GPIO pins in a MINI2440 accessed programatically. The board is loaded with Android or Linux. can any help me ?
Accessing of GPIO pins of MCU

I have a doubt if the GPIO pins in a MINI2440 accessed programatically. The board is loaded with Android or Linux. can any help me ?

The GPIO pins can be accesed either using Bitwise operation on that whole register or by using enum, struct(Bit fields) etc. together.
Actually the MCU pins are assigned to some specific registers (refer the Datasheet of that particular controller) and this registers are usually having a particular adderss something like REG = 0x12345678h

Eg. It can be re-used for any register:

typedef union // Generic 8-bit register Type
uint8 reg; // whole register
unsigned bit7 : 1; // Bit 7
unsigned bit6 : 1; // Bit 6
unsigned bit5 : 1; // Bit 5
unsigned bit4 : 1; // Bit 4
unsigned bit3 : 1; // Bit 3
unsigned bit2 : 1; // Bit 2
unsigned bit1 : 1; // Bit 1
unsigned bit0 : 1; // Bit 0
} bit;
} GPIO_REG8; // Give the name using typedef

So, now to define a port we want to address:

#define MCU_GPIO_PORTx (*(volatile GPIO_REG8 *)(0x12345678)) // here Number is the address

And to directly twiddle a pin on that port:

#define MCU_PORTx_PINn (MCU_GPIO_PORTx.bit.bit0)

In the code you can use:

MCU_PORTx_PINn = 1; // Set pin high

Entire register:

MCU_GPIO_PORTx.reg = 0xF; // All pins high
I think the MCU is already programmed with its Firmware. Its GPIO pins (as in kit) are already denoted as EINT, CLK, ADC i/p, etc. It has a note that some of its pins are reusable, but no information of which pin is reusable!!. I mostly don't know about the software side for making the configuration. can anyone with info. help me?