Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Four way UK traffic lights


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
You only need a single 555 and 4017.

I would also recommend a slightly higher power supply voltage and series resistors for the green led.

What you then need to do is to decode the outputs in 2 ways appropriate for each direction of travel

Something like

1. Red. Red
2. Red green
3. Red green
4. Red green
5 red amber
6. Red. Red
7. Green. Red
8. Green red
9. Green red
10. Amber red


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Of course it all depends on how your traffic lights are sequenced.

That circuit doesn't mimic the sequence used here. Maybe the UK??
I made a traffic light driver using a 4017 and fets to drive a full sized light to train children. A 4017 can give 10 time periods but with a simple oscillator these will be all the same.

In the UK the sequence is
red and amber

For a two way layout there will be a time with both ways are on red. For a four way system, things will be even more complicated usually with green arrows. In this case, a micro would seem to be the way to go but is not my scene.
The schematic in post #1 is a mess. The one in post #3 is much better. Note that a 4017 output is rated for only 4 mA, and will have significant output voltage sag at that level. Better to diode-OR the outputs into a small MOSFET like a 2N7000, switching the LEDs to GND.
