Maker Pro
Maker Pro

four way traffic lights - help

Hi All

I try to execute this circuit in real time but it doesn't work

please tell me the error ( it doesn't work , no Leds lighting )

here is my design on proteus

Have a look at the data sheet for the device and see how much current it can source. This will give you the answer I hope.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Also R4.

I suspect the ground symbols are incorrect and should be removed.

Also, for the red LEDs on the left, the connection of the yellow LEDs should be above both red LEDs rather than between them.
4017s #8 is also saying " Pleeeeeeez connect me ! . . .to the negative battery buss "

Looks like there will be a bit of brightness disparity in certain combinations.
4017s #8 is also saying " Pleeeeeeez connect me ! . . .to the negative battery buss "

Looks like there will be a bit of brightness disparity in certain combinations.

Some devices in the library of modern capture packages for some reason don't have the power connections shown. You set them up in the properties of the part. Probably the most stupid thing I have come across. All pins in my opinion should be visible and connected. Maybe I am old fashioned where it's ok if the schematic looks nice and tidy, we won't add any messy connections like the power rails :) Or the OP made the part and forgot them lol
