Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Found a free energy web site... "right."

  • Thread starter The Flavored Coffee Guy
  • Start date

The Flavored Coffee Guy

I did,

But, if you fully understand electronics, then why are you using an
enegizer instead of inertia???? A dc motor with a permenant magnet in
it, can serve dual purpose as both a generator, and motor. That's
where I started questioning the physics of mass intertia, and
destroyed his little energizer. It really seems like a good idea if
you have a bridge rectifyer, and a capacitor to store a charge. But,
if it were to work, then you could use a capacitor in place of the
battery as well, right? At that point you would not find yourself
waiting for a 1700mA hour battery to drain, although, it may take
twice as long to drain the battery, or maybe even three times longer
making me say, hmmmm.


Jim Thompson

I did,

But, if you fully understand electronics, then why are you using an
enegizer instead of inertia???? A dc motor with a permenant magnet in
it, can serve dual purpose as both a generator, and motor. That's
where I started questioning the physics of mass intertia, and
destroyed his little energizer. It really seems like a good idea if
you have a bridge rectifyer, and a capacitor to store a charge. But,
if it were to work, then you could use a capacitor in place of the
battery as well, right? At that point you would not find yourself
waiting for a 1700mA hour battery to drain, although, it may take
twice as long to drain the battery, or maybe even three times longer
making me say, hmmmm.


Ignorance is bliss.

...Jim Thompson