Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Flyback SMPS for 190W


we are doing a SMPS for a guitar amplifier. (class D amplifier)

Vin = 400V
Vout = +/-50V.

Max Power output = 190W

I have thought of doing this with a flyback, since a discontinuos mode design can be done with:-

Peak primary current at max load = 3.6A
I(pri) RMS at max load = 1.1A
I(sec) at max load = 5.6A peak as you can see, despite the high power levels, the currents are all low, due to the high Vin and Vout.

Will this be ok for a flyback.?

And if not, please, why not?

Guitar amplifiers tend to have very low average power compared to their peak power.

Guitar amplifiers also have lots of to full-load regularly.

Flyback is by far cheaper than any other topology for this.