Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Flyback Driver

I pulled apart an old CRT TV and got a flyback transformer, I've already built a driver for it, but I was wondering if the flyback would work with low frequency (60 Hz) AC, say 12 Volts at 500 mA. If it won't work, why not?
Does anybody have an answer for this? I don't understand why this wouldn't work, it would just give you a 60 Hz output, correct? Or is it wired in a different way requiring high frequencies to operate?

Harald Kapp

The flyback transformer is designed to operate at the TV's horizontal deflection frequency, approx. 15 kHz.
The transformer will saturate when operated at the much lower frequency of 60 Hz, see e.g. here or here.
I think I understand, so in order to use a flyback transformer at 60 Hz, It needs to be run at a much lower voltage and amperage.
hi Bluejello; as Harald told you, Flyback is a special transformer built on a ferrite core and therefore it is a high pulse transformer which must be connected to a high frequency power supply, for example, in TV a flyback is operated at 15KHz . I upload you an electronic schematic which is very easy to build based on a 15KHz oscillator whose heart is the famous NE555. I am sure it works well.


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of course, special caution with this circuit, specially with the secondary of the flyback which can provide high voltage