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Maker Pro

flyback driver circuit to generate cold plasma

hi, friends...I'm desperately know the possibility of flyback driver to generate the cold plasma since from most of the articles i read, the arc generated by flyback driver is usually extreme hot. COLD means around 40-100 degree celsius, i need you guys to confirm for me, please....


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
From Wikipedia:

"A plasma is sometimes referred to as being "hot" if it is nearly fully ionized, or "cold" if only a small fraction (for example 1%), of the gas molecules are ionized, but other definitions of the terms "hot plasma" and "cold plasma" are common. Even in a "cold" plasma, the electron temperature is still typically several thousand degrees Celsius. Plasmas utilized in "plasma technology" ("technological plasmas") are usually cold in this sense."

So what do you mean by cold again?
It seems the helium flow (3mph=5km/h) is what keeps it "cool" enough to be applied to living tissue.
The power level applied seems to be 0.1 to 3W. The voltage applied seems to be 100 to 300V. The frequency used seems to be 3.2 or 13.56MHz.
The same principle is sometimes used in surgery, for careful coagulation of bleeding tissue, but using argon instead and a much higher power level.
So what do you want confirmed? Making a small flyback circuit to suit the use should not be too hard. The plasma needs a quite high voltage to get started though.
yea, thats exactly what i want...the key point is the helium flow i think, it should be manage to get started by applying around 200V RF signal on an sharped electrode...

hmm, from what i read...the flyback circuit usually generate an extremely hot arc discharge right? So i wonder if I can modify it to generate the cold plasma...maybe changing the CRT transformer from TV to other small transformer?? and the 13.56Mhz frequency shouldn't be a MUST right?
A flyback circuit generates a constant power output, determined by the pulse/ pause relationship, there's not much magic to it.
Whether it can be called hot or cold depends on how the power is "spread out". Don't get hung up on those words.
Yes, the usable frequency range is large. Electrosurgery is usually somewhere around 500kHz but can also be in the 27MHz band.
hi bibiz999, thanks for the link but to be honest it looks complicated for me @.@ anyway, wish you a success very soon so that you can share your experience =)

Resqueline, thanks for the info...i should start hunting for CRT monitor or TV set now =)
Flyback transformers from CRT TV's are made to generate HV DC and I'd consider them less than ideal for this low-power RF AC plasma purpose.
Try looking for a small (wall-wart type) smpsu. They're likely to have only one primary switching transistor (that's flyback topology) and work at higher frequencies.
You can drive these transformers in reverse if you like to get the voltage you want. Just be careful, a couple of Watts can still give you a burn.