I am working on one project of water pressure measurement, in which i used pressure transducer which gives me output between 4-20mA Current form.
I am using one 250 ohm resistance to convert current into voltage, and than i give this voltage to ADC of arduino UNO channel 0 (A0).
ADC reading is continuously fluctuating up to 10 decimal numbers.
I have also check by connecting multi-meter and measure sensor current reading, for particular pressure. but current reading is stable (even not fluctuate 1 or 2 points.)
also i have checked voltage value after 250 Ohms +Ve and ground. converted voltage is also showing very stable.
but why ADC reading is fluctuating..?
i am using arduino uno, i doesn't have any changes in AREF, AVCC etc...
please suggest effective solution,
Thank in advance.
I am working on one project of water pressure measurement, in which i used pressure transducer which gives me output between 4-20mA Current form.
I am using one 250 ohm resistance to convert current into voltage, and than i give this voltage to ADC of arduino UNO channel 0 (A0).
ADC reading is continuously fluctuating up to 10 decimal numbers.
I have also check by connecting multi-meter and measure sensor current reading, for particular pressure. but current reading is stable (even not fluctuate 1 or 2 points.)
also i have checked voltage value after 250 Ohms +Ve and ground. converted voltage is also showing very stable.
but why ADC reading is fluctuating..?
i am using arduino uno, i doesn't have any changes in AREF, AVCC etc...
please suggest effective solution,
Thank in advance.