Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Flashing LEDs proportion to Servo position

I have a LED array already made, complete with resistors and 9.2V
battery pack. I would like to be able to flash the LED's, with the
speed of the flashing based upon the position of a servo. At 0 degrees,
it would be on all the time without flashing, all the way to 90 degrees
with it flashing 15 or 20 times a second.

To make things harder, this is using the throttle servo from my RC car,
which also controls the brakes. At 0 degrees full brakes are applied,
and at around 15 degrees I think, brakes are not applied and the engine
just sits there idleing. If it's just idleing at 15 degrees it would be
awesome if i could get it to flash for about 2/3rd's of a second
(2/3rd's on, 2/3rd's off) and then when accelorating from there go up
to the 15 or 20 flashes a second. But when applying any amount of
brakes (from zero to 15 degrees) I would like it to be on the entine
time. Does this sound to complicated for an amature like me to do? If
so then a linear change in blinking speed would be OK.

I googled around, and found out that the signal wire for servos sends
the angle information via pulses. 1.25ms for 0 degrees, up to 1.75ms
for 180 degrees, according to:

However, since my servo is set up with some custom trim levels, is
there any way to find out what the pulse lengths are at various stages
(full brakes, idleing, full throttle) so I don't have to just guess and
check over and over?

I'm fairly new to electronics, and have no idea where to even start to
make this fancy "switch" for my LEDs. I was looking at my old 75-in-One
Electronic Project Lab that I got for my 12th birthday, and the closest
I found was a variable strobe light, which used a transistor,
transformer, some resistors, and a pot, to blink a LED at different
intervals depending on the rotation of the pot.

But that did it based upon the resistance, not pulses, so I am back to
the beginning :(

I would like to learn as much as possible as I make this variable
switch, so if it is possible, please dumb things down, so I can at
least partially comprehand your idea/point, and google for more info as

--Farrell F.

P.S. In case this information helps:

I'm using 32 LED's, wired in a series-parallel configuration. 2 LEDs +
resistor in series, with 16 strings wired in parallel. The LEDs are
spec'd for FV 3.0-3.4V, so aiming for 3.2V, I went with 160 ohm
resistors since my power source is 9.6V. Each LED draws ~20mA, so all
32 LEDs draw ~640mA. Perhaps this information effects the components I
should select to make this fancy switch?

Andrew Holme

I have a LED array already made, complete with resistors and 9.2V
battery pack. I would like to be able to flash the LED's, with the
speed of the flashing based upon the position of a servo. At 0 degrees,
it would be on all the time without flashing, all the way to 90 degrees
with it flashing 15 or 20 times a second.

To make things harder, this is using the throttle servo from my RC car,
which also controls the brakes. At 0 degrees full brakes are applied,
and at around 15 degrees I think, brakes are not applied and the engine
just sits there idleing. If it's just idleing at 15 degrees it would be
awesome if i could get it to flash for about 2/3rd's of a second
(2/3rd's on, 2/3rd's off) and then when accelorating from there go up
to the 15 or 20 flashes a second. But when applying any amount of
brakes (from zero to 15 degrees) I would like it to be on the entine
time. Does this sound to complicated for an amature like me to do? If
so then a linear change in blinking speed would be OK.

I googled around, and found out that the signal wire for servos sends
the angle information via pulses. 1.25ms for 0 degrees, up to 1.75ms
for 180 degrees, according to:

However, since my servo is set up with some custom trim levels, is
there any way to find out what the pulse lengths are at various stages
(full brakes, idleing, full throttle) so I don't have to just guess and
check over and over?

I'm fairly new to electronics, and have no idea where to even start to
make this fancy "switch" for my LEDs. I was looking at my old 75-in-One
Electronic Project Lab that I got for my 12th birthday, and the closest
I found was a variable strobe light, which used a transistor,
transformer, some resistors, and a pot, to blink a LED at different
intervals depending on the rotation of the pot.

But that did it based upon the resistance, not pulses, so I am back to
the beginning :(

I would like to learn as much as possible as I make this variable
switch, so if it is possible, please dumb things down, so I can at
least partially comprehand your idea/point, and google for more info as

--Farrell F.

P.S. In case this information helps:

I'm using 32 LED's, wired in a series-parallel configuration. 2 LEDs +
resistor in series, with 16 strings wired in parallel. The LEDs are
spec'd for FV 3.0-3.4V, so aiming for 3.2V, I went with 160 ohm
resistors since my power source is 9.6V. Each LED draws ~20mA, so all
32 LEDs draw ~640mA. Perhaps this information effects the components I
should select to make this fancy switch?

Two options spring to mind:
1. Convert the pulse width to a voltage using an RC filter. Then,
generate the variable flash rate using a voltage controlled oscillator.
2. Use a PIC Micro-controller. This requires fewer components because
everything is done in software. The PIC measures the pulse width and
generates the output pulses.

You can measure the pulse widths using an oscilloscope. However you
decide to tackle it, you'll need a 'scope for a project like this.

John Fields

I have a LED array already made, complete with resistors and 9.2V
battery pack. I would like to be able to flash the LED's, with the
speed of the flashing based upon the position of a servo. At 0 degrees,
it would be on all the time without flashing, all the way to 90 degrees
with it flashing 15 or 20 times a second.

To make things harder, this is using the throttle servo from my RC car,
which also controls the brakes. At 0 degrees full brakes are applied,
and at around 15 degrees I think, brakes are not applied and the engine
just sits there idleing. If it's just idleing at 15 degrees it would be
awesome if i could get it to flash for about 2/3rd's of a second
(2/3rd's on, 2/3rd's off) and then when accelorating from there go up
to the 15 or 20 flashes a second. But when applying any amount of
brakes (from zero to 15 degrees) I would like it to be on the entine
time. Does this sound to complicated for an amature like me to do? If
so then a linear change in blinking speed would be OK.

I googled around, and found out that the signal wire for servos sends
the angle information via pulses. 1.25ms for 0 degrees, up to 1.75ms
for 180 degrees, according to:

However, since my servo is set up with some custom trim levels, is
there any way to find out what the pulse lengths are at various stages
(full brakes, idleing, full throttle) so I don't have to just guess and
check over and over?

I'm fairly new to electronics, and have no idea where to even start to
make this fancy "switch" for my LEDs. I was looking at my old 75-in-One
Electronic Project Lab that I got for my 12th birthday, and the closest
I found was a variable strobe light, which used a transistor,
transformer, some resistors, and a pot, to blink a LED at different
intervals depending on the rotation of the pot.

But that did it based upon the resistance, not pulses, so I am back to
the beginning :(

I would like to learn as much as possible as I make this variable
switch, so if it is possible, please dumb things down, so I can at
least partially comprehand your idea/point, and google for more info as

I've posted a schematic for you, at:

based on the data at the link you posted. The circuit should do
everything you want, including the steady "brakes on" function. Below
15° the LED array should be ON all the time, at idle (15°) it should
flash at about 1Hz and, at 90°, at around 16Hz.

The two one-shots (U1A and B) are adjustable so that you can set the
response of the LEDs at idle and also to avoid overrun at the high
end. If you need a circuit description, ask and I'll post it.
Thanks you so very much, John Fields. If it's not too much trouble, I
would appriciate it if you would post the circuit description as well.

On a side note, I'm thinking of buying a new Electronic Project Lab.
The 75-in-1 I have is limited, and I'm thinking about perhaps gettings
the 500-in-1 model from Elenco. has some info on it,
although their price is higher than most places.

Anyone have any advice? I can barely understand anything above a basic
schematic, and want to learn as much as possible, in a way that is
somewhat entertaining. The 75-in-1 model I have is alright, but it's
doesn't explain the "why" very well in most cases, and it doesn't get
into the advanced stuff like IC programming and radio. This lab seems
like a good thing to me, but I am interested if anyone has anything to
say one way or another.

Thanks again,
--Farrell F.

John Fields

Thanks you so very much, John Fields. If it's not too much trouble, I
would appriciate it if you would post the circuit description as well.


From the link you gave, it turns out that your servo, with an input
pulse width of 1250µs corresponding to a rotation of 0° and 1500µs
corresponding to 90°, will need a pulse about 1300µs wide to rotate to
15°, your approximate idle/no brakes position. Looking at the timing
graphically, we have something like this:

_________________________ ______
T1___| |________...___________|

__________________________ ______
T2___| |_______...___________|

______________________________ ______
T3___| |___...___________|


Where T1 is the input pulse with maximum braking applied, T2 is the
input pulse with the engine idling and the brakes off, and T3 is the
input pulse with the servo at full throttle. the 20ms time is how
often the input pulse repeats, and stays constant at 20 milliseconds.

Since we have two states we want to differentiate between, (the first
being when the brakes are on and the second being when they aren't)
what we need is a circuit which can tell the difference between when
the input pulse is less than 1300µs wide and when it's greater than
1300µs wide. U1A, (a monostable multivibrator with a period of
1300µs) U2A, (a "D" type flip-flop) U3A, (a NAND gate) and U4A (an OR
gate)do that, like this:

__________________________ ______
U1-6___| |_______...___________|
___ ________...___________
U3-3 |_________________________| |______
_________________________ ______
U1-4___| |________...___________|

Assuming that U2-5 starts off low, if the pulse from the servo, U1-4,
goes low before U1A times out, its inverted version at U3-3 will clock
the high on U2-2 through to U2-5, and U2-5 will stay high for at least
one 20ms cycle of the servo. If the next pulse from the servo is
shorter than 1300ms, a high will again be clocked though U2A, with the
result that U2-5 will remain high as long as the pulse from the servo
is less than the period of U1A, which is 1300ms, which corresponds to
15°, the idle/no brakes boundary. Since U4 is an OR, if any of its
inputs are high its output will also be high. So, as long as U4-1
remains high, U4-3 will remain high, (regardless of what's happening
on U4-2) the gate of Q1 (a logic-level MOSFET) will be driven high,
and the LED array will be continuously illuminated. That, then,
fulfills the first requirement, which is that the LEDs stay ON
continuously any time the brakes are applied, which will be any time
the servo's input pulse is less than 1300µs wide.

Now, assume that the servo's input pulse width increases to greater
than 1300µs. The timing will look like this:

__________________________ ______
U1-6___| |_______...___________|
___ _____...___________
U3-3 |____________________________| |______
____________________________ ______
U1-4___| |_____...___________|
U2-5 |_____...__________________
U4-3 |_____...__________________

Notice that now, since the servo's input pulse went low _after_ U1A
timed out, U1-6 will be low when U3-3 goes high, so U4-1 will go low,
allowing whatever is on U4-2 to control what happens on U4-3.

Since we have a pulse width of 1300µs with the engine at idle and
1500µs with the engine at full throttle, we have a difference of up to
200µs between when U1A times out and the pulse input to the servo
times out, and we'd like to be able to use that difference to make the
LED array flash slowly when the engine is idling and flash quickly
when it's at full throttle.

In order to do that we can use an up counter to accumulate
high-frequency clocks during the time between when U1-6 goes low and
the input pulse to the servo goes low, and then load that count into a
down counter which counts continuously and loads itself with the count
on the output of the up counter every time it gets to zero. If we use
4 bit counters we can have up to 15 different flash rates, with U6
being the up counter and U7 being the down counter.

Assuming that we want a 200µs difference between the two pulses to
result in a maximum count of 15 means that if we enable the counter
for 200µs we'll need to accumulate high-frequency clocks at the rate
of 15 clocks per 200µs, which is a frequency of:

1 1
f = --- = ----------- = 75kHz
T (200µs/15)

Since we'll want to accumulate clocks using the high frequency 75kHz
clock, but display the speed-variable flash at a much lower frequency
we can use something like a 4060, which has an integral oscillator and
a fairly long ripple chain to good advantage here, and U5 is that
counter. Since we need 75kHz and Q3 is the highest frequency output
available from the ripple chain, we'll need to set the oscillator to 8
times 75kHz, or 600Khz, with C3, R3, and R4, according to:

T = 2.5 R3 C3

Where T is the period of 600kHz:

1 1
T = --- = --------- = 1.67E-6s = 1.67µs
f 6.0E5Hz

Arbitrarily choosing C3 as 100pF and rearranging

T = 2.5 R3 C3

to solve for R3 we have:

T 1.67E-6s
R3 = -------- = ---------------- = 6680 ohms
2.5 C3 2.5 * 1.0E-10F

6650 is a standard 1% value and is shown on the schematic with a 5%
cap. R4 needs to be approximately equal to twice R3, so 13.7k will
work there. However, depending on your application and the pulse
width of your servo control signal, the frequency may need to be
adjusted in order for the thing to work properly.

Now, in order to gate the 75kHz counter (U6) properly, we need to
first clear it, and then enable it to count by supplying it with a
low-going pulse with a width which will allow it to count 75kHz
clocks, with the number of clocks counted being proportional to the
difference in timeout times between U1A and the servo's input pulse.

The CLEAR pulse is generated by U2B and U3B, and is a single pulse
with a maximum width of about 13µs generated every time the servo's
input pulse goes high, while the enable pulse is generated by -ORing
the output of the 1300µs one-shot, the inverted servo input pulse, and
the complementary output of U1B, a one-shot set to time out about
1500µs after the start of the servo's input pulse. The enable pulse
timing with the servo pulse timing out close to 1300µs is:

--1300µs-->| |
______| |
U1-6 |___________________________
SERVO |__________________________
_______ ______
U6-4 |____________________|


and with the servo pulse timing out far from the 1300µs one-shot:

--1300µs-->| |
______| |
U1-6 |___________________________
SERVO |________
__________________________ ______
U6-4 |_|

-->| |<--13.3µs

Which gives us exactly what we want.

Consider: with the engine idling, the servo pulse will terminate close
to 15°, (1300µs) which will allow U6 to count for a long time and fill
up. Consequently, when free-running down-counter U7 counts to zero,
its carry output will go low and load the outputs of U6 (hex "F") into
U7, while when the servo pulse terminates close to 90°, (1500µs), U6
will only be able to count up to 1, which will be loaded into U7 when
U7 counts to zero. Since it takes longer to count from F down to
zero than it does to count from from 1 down to zero, when the engine
is idling it will take U7 16 times longer to count down to zero than
when the engine is at full throttle. Now, to flash the LED array, the
carry output from U7 is used to clock U8B, which is a "D" type
flip-flop wired as a divide-by-two. Assume that U7-13 went low
earlier, loaded the new count value into U7, and has just gone high.
If U8-5 was low before U7-13 went high, it will now go high and the
LED array will light. While the array remains lit U7 will be counting
down, and when it gets to zero, U7-13 will go low and load the new
value into U7. it will also toggle U8B, causing U8-5 to go low,
turning off the LED array. Since U7 is free-running, the
load-toggle-count cycle will continue indefinitely with the flash rate
depending on the width of the servo input pulse.

U8A is a "D" type flip-flop wired to extend the count range of U5 in
order to get a low-frequency clock to drive the LED flash counter, U7.
U8-9 toggles at about 36Hz, which means that with U7 loaded with hex
"F" the LED array will flash at about 1Hz, with the array on for about
1/2 a second and off for half a second. With the array loaded with
'1', it will flash at about 18Hz with the array on half the time and
off half the time.

In order to adjust U1A and B what you'll need to do is to connect the
servo control pulse to the circuit at U3-1 while the car is idling and
adjust R1 until you get about 1 flash per second out of the array,
then rev the car up and adjust R2 until you're happy with the flash
rate. If you try to make it flash too fast the counter will roll over
and it'll start flashing slowly again, so what you'll need to do is
back off on R2 until it starts flashing quickly again. Also, if your
servo's characteristics are different from those in the link you
supplied, it may be necessary to change C3, R3, and R4 in order to get
the thing to work at all.

Finally, there were a few errors on the schematic so I fixed them and
I'll repost the revised one to alt.binaries.schematics.electronic in a
few minutes.