Maker Pro
Maker Pro

flash memory to microcontroller interface



hi all,

please , i want to interface a flash memory to a pic microcontroller
as a part of a project to analyse the data on the flash memory
could anyone help me by the hardware required to this interface?
what is the protocol of connection between usb flash memory and other
is it i^2 c or another style?

thanks for your help

martin griffith

hi all,

please , i want to interface a flash memory to a pic microcontroller
as a part of a project to analyse the data on the flash memory
could anyone help me by the hardware required to this interface?
what is the protocol of connection between usb flash memory and other
is it i^2 c or another style?

thanks for your help


Rene Tschaggelar

rooshy said:
hi all,

please , i want to interface a flash memory to a pic microcontroller
as a part of a project to analyse the data on the flash memory
could anyone help me by the hardware required to this interface?
what is the protocol of connection between usb flash memory and other
is it i^2 c or another style?

A flash memory and a USB flash are entirely different.
And there a SD/MMC flash memories too.
