Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Flash erasing times

  • Thread starter Richard Hutchinson
  • Start date

Richard Hutchinson

Does age affect the erase time for Flash memory ?. I have a batch of
identical chips, some erase is 6 seconds other take 15 (datasheet specifies

Eric Smith

Richard Hutchinson said:
Does age affect the erase time for Flash memory ?. I have a batch of
identical chips, some erase is 6 seconds other take 15 (datasheet specifies

I wouldn't expect much effect as a strict function of age, but I would
expect that as the part is subjected to many erase cycles, they would
start to take longer.

I think manufacturing variation between lots could account for quite a
bit of variation.

But I'm not an expert on this stuff.

Rich Webb

Does age affect the erase time for Flash memory ?. I have a batch of
identical chips, some erase is 6 seconds other take 15 (datasheet specifies

Be careful with datasheets. Is 10 sec specified as guaranteed maximum
erase time at a specific Vdd and temperature or is 10 the nominal?

Richard Hutchinson

is 10 the nominal?


I'll take it the one's with erase times of 15+ seconds are probably coming
to the end of their life.

Rich Webb


I'll take it the one's with erase times of 15+ seconds are probably coming
to the end of their life.

Not necessarily. If they don't spec a guaranteed maximum erase time,
there's probably a reason. A time of 15 secs could very well be within
the process variation for a part right off the manufacturing floor.