"Nutcase Kook"
Low level bacon and eggs noise and low level whistling kettle noise. Goes
V1 is pulled , no difference with change of valve V1.
** Assuming this is a 60s or 70s model ( there are about a dozen different
Fender amps all called " Twin Reverb " ) using the stiff grey cardboard
#material and hollow studs for the small components - the problem is due
to leakage across the material and between it and the second insulating
layer underneath.
First step, remove the self tapping screws holding the grey material and
slide a piece of similar shaped plastic between the layers. Laminating film
is ideal. Normally this works like a charm.
Step two, measure the DC voltage at the top of the volumes and tone pots -
should be no more than say 50mV. Track down any leaky film caps that may be
causing this and replace them.
Step three, heat the material with hot air to about 65 degrees C to simulate
normal running temps.
If DC voltages, squealing or crackling noises persist, you have a big
problem - the grey material may have to be replaced and the whole amp
Other slightly less drastic measures may suggest themselves if you can
narrow down the leakage.
# The material is sometimes called "elephant hide " .
..... Phil