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Maker Pro

Felon installing cameras gets busted with major arsenal

Just had a case north of Pittsburgh in franklin twp beaver county
where a convicted felon had a major arsenal collected with AR15's
thousands of rounds of ammo grenades and police uniforms etc and a
very sophisticated camaera and audio system all over the premise.
turns out friends and family say Dean Allen Huzinec 47 installs camera
systems for a living . which had police concerned why he had such a
sophistcated system.
obviously convicted felons are not permitted to own firearms so he is
cooling his heals at the county jail while awaiting trial.
I would not want to be the company he was working for thats for sure
when everything finnaly comes out.

G. Morgan

Just had a case north of Pittsburgh in franklin twp beaver county
where a convicted felon had a major arsenal collected with AR15's
thousands of rounds of ammo grenades and police uniforms etc and a
very sophisticated camaera and audio system all over the premise.
turns out friends and family say Dean Allen Huzinec 47 installs camera
systems for a living . which had police concerned why he had such a
sophistcated system.
obviously convicted felons are not permitted to own firearms so he is
cooling his heals at the county jail while awaiting trial.
I would not want to be the company he was working for thats for sure
when everything finnaly comes out.

In Texas you need a license to install CCTV and felons can't get them, is that
not the case in PA?


ABLE_1 said:
Well actually in the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania there is NO license
required. Depending upon the job, inspections are required. CCTV, Security,
and such do not require an inspection.

Maryland and New Jersey are quite different.

any primate can hang a camera

Frank Olson

ABLE_1 said:
Only those that have an opposing

Or if you happen to be married to an "opposing digit"... never mind...
I take that back. :)
Or if you happen to be married to an "opposing digit"...  never mind...
  I take that back.  :)

Once again Pa proves why it is the laughing stock of the country. no
liscense for any type of security work including lock smith or
unarmed security guard
there are a couple areas where local liscense are needed but any one
can get one its strickly a tax thing and who works and who does not.

Bob Worthy

Robert L Bass said:
I understood there were only local regs in Pa regarding alarm installation
but I'm surprised about locksmithing.

No locksmithing license in Florida either. There was a bill introduced by a
Representative from somewhere around your area this last year but it went
nowhere. The locksmiths want it but they have a long way to go to get it. It
took the alarm industry 9 years to get a licensing law passed.

G. Morgan

Bob said:
No locksmithing license in Florida either. There was a bill introduced by a
Representative from somewhere around your area this last year but it went
nowhere. The locksmiths want it but they have a long way to go to get it. It
took the alarm industry 9 years to get a licensing law passed.

They just added locksmithing to the licensing requirements in TX about 6 or 7
years ago. It's a separate class than alarms, so just because you have an
alarm license doesn't mean you can do locksmithing and vice versa.

G. Morgan

Robert said:
I'm not sure but I think Pa, like Maryland, has all sorts of local licensing.
Florida doesn't issue an alarm license if the applicant has committed a crime
related to alarm work within the past three years. Several other states have
similar rules.

A crime related to alarm work? So an axe murderer is good to go, provided he
wasn't installing an alarm at the time of the 'axing'? :)

Looks like TX will after 20 years from the conviction date:

(a) An applicant for a license, certificate of registration, or
security officer commission or the applicant's manager must be at
least 18 years of age and must not:
(1) have been convicted in any jurisdiction of two or
more felony offenses, unless full pardons have been granted for all
convictions for reasons relating to wrongful convictions;
(2) have been convicted in any jurisdiction of any of
the following:
(A) a single felony or equivalent offense for
which the 20th anniversary of the date of conviction has not
occurred before the date of application, unless a full pardon has
been granted for reasons relating to a wrongful conviction; or
(B) a Class A misdemeanor or equivalent offense
for which the 10th anniversary of the date of conviction has not
occurred before the date of application, unless a full pardon has
been granted for reasons relating to a wrongful conviction;
