Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Fat laser beams...

Perhaps title should say 'Fat beam lasers'...
Has anyone played with them ?
From curiosity, bought a couple to evaluate. Chinese cheap DPSS; supposed to be 50mW at 1.8V / 300mA, ~14mm.
Aiming for a 1 mile range beam visibility at night. Do you think that power will do it ?
Blue presents more scattering on theory, but green is more eye sensitive. Which should show better ?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Well, the theory is that the beam width is so wide that the amount of power that can enter your eyeball is within safety limits.

I'm not sure what effect it will have on beam spread over distance, however, a simple laser pointer on the ground at night is visible from the ISS of it is carefully pointed at it. So visible at more than a mile, yeah, sure, easy, depending on what you mean by visible.