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Maker Pro

fast universal compression scheme and its implementation in VHDL


Jens Mander

Hi folks,

my name is Jens and I am student of the Technical University Berlin. Through
my course of study in microelectronics VHDL design is becoming my favorite
hobby. My other interests are signal processing and compression in general.
Lately I purchased an FPGA Evalution board second-hand (guess where?) and I
am now starting my first "private" implementations. Just to give you a short
intro... ;-)

I am interested in implementing compression algorithms using VHDL on an
FPGA. I want to build a data transmission system that compresses portions of
the incoming data (not the whole data but "frames" of like 800 bytes)
on-the-fly. In my search for a fast (i.e. real-time capable at a "desired"
data rate of - let's say - 300 MHZ?) "universal" compression scheme I came
across the following stepping stones:

- is there any free example code for compression algorithms available in
VHDL to get an overview and a first impression of implementation complexity?

- what would you think are the most promising algorithms for my purpose
(i.e. when statistics and semantics of the input data are unknown), first of
all I thought of delta encoding, sorted RLE, LZ, ....?

- as the input data is unknown the álgorithm must be lossless, reducing
redundancy (if possible), not irrelevancy. what are the theoretical limits
of "universal" compression, not emphazizing one particular statistical
property (like similar by values in succession)?

- what is meant by the keyword "systolic implementations" and "pipeling" in
that particular context? I came across that very often lately

- what if my code gains different compression ratios for consecutive data
portions? surely a FIFO can decouple input and output rate but eventually
the FIFO will underflow?

Thanks for you help + support in advance, any comments, hints and help is

Bye Jens

P.S.: I'm looking for the standard works "Sayood, Khalid: Introduction to
data compression, Academic Press, 199x or 200x" and/or ". Salomon: Data
Compression, Springer-Verlag, New York, 200x". Are there any sources of an
electronic copy (ps, pfd, etc.) or transcriptions?
In Jens Mander said:
Hi folks,
my name is Jens and I am student of the Technical University Berlin. Through
my course of study in microelectronics VHDL design is becoming my favorite
hobby. My other interests are signal processing and compression in general.
Lately I purchased an FPGA Evalution board second-hand (guess where?) and I
am now starting my first "private" implementations. Just to give you a short
intro... ;-)
I am interested in implementing compression algorithms using VHDL on an
FPGA. I want to build a data transmission system that compresses portions of
the incoming data (not the whole data but "frames" of like 800 bytes)
on-the-fly. In my search for a fast (i.e. real-time capable at a "desired"
data rate of - let's say - 300 MHZ?) "universal" compression scheme I came
across the following stepping stones:
- is there any free example code for compression algorithms available in
VHDL to get an overview and a first impression of implementation complexity?
- what would you think are the most promising algorithms for my purpose
(i.e. when statistics and semantics of the input data are unknown), first of
all I thought of delta encoding, sorted RLE, LZ, ....?
- as the input data is unknown the álgorithm must be lossless, reducing
redundancy (if possible), not irrelevancy. what are the theoretical limits
of "universal" compression, not emphazizing one particular statistical
property (like similar by values in succession)?
- what is meant by the keyword "systolic implementations" and "pipeling" in
that particular context? I came across that very often lately
- what if my code gains different compression ratios for consecutive data
portions? surely a FIFO can decouple input and output rate but eventually
the FIFO will underflow?
Thanks for you help + support in advance, any comments, hints and help is

Have a look at bzip2:
bzip2 compresses files using the Burrows-Wheeler block sorting text
compression algorithm, and Huffman coding. Compression is generally
considerably better than that achieved by more conventional
LZ77/LZ78-based compressors, and approaches the performance of the PPM
family of statistical compressors.

It's the most effective I have stumbled upon in terms of bytes saved so far. I
have however not made any deep research into this ;)
It can however take considerble amount of processor time. Thus a good candidate
for hardware implementation.

Joshua K Drumeller

I too am interested in this and I would be interested to see results of Jens
findings and work in this area if he decides to work on it and publish it.



Have a look at bzip2:
bzip2 compresses files using the Burrows-Wheeler block sorting text
compression algorithm, and Huffman coding. Compression is generally
considerably better than that achieved by more conventional
LZ77/LZ78-based compressors, and approaches the performance of the PPM
family of statistical compressors.

It's the most effective I have stumbled upon in terms of bytes saved so far. I
have however not made any deep research into this ;)
It can however take considerble amount of processor time. Thus a good candidate
for hardware implementation.

It is again surpassed by 7-zip ( They use an improved
LZ77, but also have a PPM option available. It compresses more but is
slower. See

Again, source code is available.


Arie de Muynck

"Jens Mander" ...
I am interested in implementing compression algorithms using VHDL on an
FPGA. I want to build a data transmission system that compresses portions
the incoming data (not the whole data but "frames" of like 800 bytes)
on-the-fly. In my search for a fast (i.e. real-time capable at a "desired"
data rate of - let's say - 300 MHZ?) "universal" compression scheme I came
across the following stepping stones:

AFAIK compression on such small blocks is often inefficient. The rest
strongly depends on the type of data.

Try to find a good and simple compression for the bitstreams used to program
FPGA's. Then publish a link to your thesis and the algorithm here please.

Arie de Muynck


Jens Mander said:
Hi folks,

my name is Jens and I am student of the Technical University Berlin. Through
my course of study in microelectronics VHDL design is becoming my favorite
hobby. My other interests are signal processing and compression in general.
Lately I purchased an FPGA Evalution board second-hand (guess where?) and I
am now starting my first "private" implementations. Just to give you a short
intro... ;-)

I am interested in implementing compression algorithms using VHDL on an
FPGA. I want to build a data transmission system that compresses portions of
the incoming data (not the whole data but "frames" of like 800 bytes)
on-the-fly. In my search for a fast (i.e. real-time capable at a "desired"
data rate of - let's say - 300 MHZ?) "universal" compression scheme I came
across the following stepping stones:

- is there any free example code for compression algorithms available in
VHDL to get an overview and a first impression of implementation complexity?

- what would you think are the most promising algorithms for my purpose
(i.e. when statistics and semantics of the input data are unknown), first of
all I thought of delta encoding, sorted RLE, LZ, ....?

- as the input data is unknown the álgorithm must be lossless, reducing
redundancy (if possible), not irrelevancy. what are the theoretical limits
of "universal" compression, not emphazizing one particular statistical
property (like similar by values in succession)?

- what is meant by the keyword "systolic implementations" and "pipeling" in
that particular context? I came across that very often lately

- what if my code gains different compression ratios for consecutive data
portions? surely a FIFO can decouple input and output rate but eventually
the FIFO will underflow?

Thanks for you help + support in advance, any comments, hints and help is

Bye Jens

P.S.: I'm looking for the standard works "Sayood, Khalid: Introduction to
data compression, Academic Press, 199x or 200x" and/or ". Salomon: Data
Compression, Springer-Verlag, New York, 200x". Are there any sources of an
electronic copy (ps, pfd, etc.) or transcriptions?

interesting project, it depends what your emphasis is, ie if its useful to
have very high savings when its posible even if it doesnt hapen very often
or wether its just necesary to make moderate savings as much of the time as
possible. you might make very big savings on certain types of data, but the
greater extent to wich u can recognise reduntant patterns etc increases
overhead so that it becomes worse for data that is more random (or even
already compressed).

if you have fixed diferent rate fifos you have to evelauate what needs to
happen if or when your data is uncompresable.

the obvious thing to my mind is things like reducing strings of all zero (or
al ones) bits or bytes, or alternate such bytes as seem to apear a lot in
wave files etc, even strings of any identical bytes etc, if you take this
further you end up with the usual huffman encoding. (wich many of the other
schemes are based on).

it depends how much you can do in hardware, but you could try and do many
different such simple proceses in parallel on the data and see wich ends up
with most compresion. this is probably the key to taking advantage of the
hardware aproach ?

many file storage systems use compresion to reduce blocks of data (i think
ntfs uses 16k blocks). I was once interested in high level compresion, even
going as far as finding identical files and eliminating the redundancy.

Colin =^.^=