Maker Pro
Maker Pro

factory settings pdp 433 pioneer plasma

Service manual of my pioneer 433 plasma

Hi, i have 433pg plasma pioneer, i've replaced the power supply the problem is. When i switch the power on the receiver the red light on the plasma is blinking fast. When the reciever is switched off the plasma's red light blinks slowly, In the service manual on the page 85 it says you need to press menu enter then power on thr remote control unit in that order to set it up and that the unit restarts and enters the factory mode, that's where the problem is it wont go to factory mode i've tried every thing and nothing comes on the screen all there is is the red light blinking. Would you have idea that you could give me so that i can get it started.
your help will be muchly appreciated.
i think i should do factory setting reset because of trap switch can i do dat
with the rs232 cable with (hyperterminal) because there is nothing on screen