Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Exxis video monitor problems

I own an Exxis video monitor (older B/W model EO2120 from Carrollton, TX) in need of repair.

There are 4 camera ports, of which only 1 works, but the working one will occasionally
change contrast regardless of TOD. The non-working ports all went bad at once. The
TOD stamp, port selection rotation function, ON/OFF work OK. The connectors have been re-soldered to no avail

I am looking for either a replacement unit or someone to fix this one.

Thanks for your response,
[email protected]
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Sadly, you might want to consider just scrapping it and replacing it with a new system, dollar for dollar it's probably in your favor vs paying someone to diagnose and repair... You can get complete wired (or wireless) 4 camera color systems for about $200-300 now, brand new...

I say this because if several ports went poof at once that means something 'important' inside let out the magic smoke that makes it work ;) and the fact it took out 3 of the 4 ports and is effecting the 4, lends me to believe it's more likely a partial failure of an integrated chip vs some discrete components that can easily be diagnosed and swapped...

That's just my opinion of course...
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Sadly, you might want to consider just scrapping it and replacing it with a new system, dollar for dollar it's probably in your favor vs paying someone to diagnose and repair... You can get complete wired (or wireless) 4 camera color systems for about $200-300 now, brand new...

I say this because if several ports went poof at once that means something 'important' inside let out the magic smoke that makes it work ;) and the fact it took out 3 of the 4 ports and is effecting the 4, lends me to believe it's more likely a partial failure of an integrated chip vs some discrete components that can easily be diagnosed and swapped...

That's just my opinion of course...
Thanks for your prompt reply.

From your reply I would like to pursue purchasing a new unit as per your suggestion; however, I am at a loss to find a suitable candidate.

Would you know of any similar security-type units that you could either recommend or, better yet, know where I could obtain such an animal? I do not know of any dealers that would carry these devices.

Web addresses, phone #'s, names, etc. would be sincerely appreciated.

Thanks again,
Right so a four camera security monitoring system is what you want? Sam's club sells them, or they did at one time. I see you are in the states.

If you follow (an Amazon company) every night, they do put up a wired camera system about every 4 weeks or so, seem to be one of their rotations...

Besides that as said Sam's club sells them over the counter, and I have even seen them in other stores like Sears, Kmart or the local hardware store on occasion... Also check your local lock smiths or home security companies...

Or take the dive and browse Ebay...