Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Exxis security monitor model EO5214QC

This security monitor has four camera inputs and a built in sequencer.
It clicks only and will not power up. The camera cables connect to the
monitor with 8 pin RJ45 type modular connectors. I'm not familiar with
this system at all. Is this digital video or composite? Are there any
service notes on this unit or is anyone familiar with it? If this is
composite then with baluns installed on the cables I should be able to
substitute a different monitor and external switcher if the the monitor
is unrepairable right? Thanks for any advice. Lenny Stein, Barlen


This security monitor has four camera inputs and a built in sequencer.
It clicks only and will not power up. The camera cables connect to the
monitor with 8 pin RJ45 type modular connectors. I'm not familiar with
this system at all. Is this digital video or composite? Are there any
service notes on this unit or is anyone familiar with it? If this is
composite then with baluns installed on the cables I should be able to
substitute a different monitor and external switcher if the the monitor
is unrepairable right? Thanks for any advice. Lenny Stein, Barlen


We have a similar Exxis system in my wife's store that was installed
by the previous owner ~ 1996. Not sure if its the same model,
but uses the same proprietary cabling and large RJ45 connectors.

These cameras output regular composite video, and our camera also
had a mic. in it. Don't know if the audio is direct feed from the mic,
or line level (preamp in camera). The monitor also provides 15 Vdc
to the camera. (I measured it when I opened the camera to see what
was inside.) I would bet that the cable just has a couple thin coaxial

lines for video/audio, plus a few unshielded for power, etc.
Our monitor also had one of those RJ-45s for the VCR I/O. It used
a ribbon cable with 4 RCA plugs on the other end to go to the VCR
A/V I/O jacks. The coax lines in that cable were the diameter of
a 20 ga. wire. I suspect similar coax is inside the camera cables
and just center & shield go straight into the RJ-45s with no baluns

Once you figure out the pinouts of the camera cables, you should
be able to cut the RJ45s off, wire up some connectors, and a 15 V
power supply and use your external switcher.

Exxis was pretty worthless as far as support on these. That's why
I avoid these "package" systems with their proprietary cabling
and everything built into the monitor. Our monitor needed a new
CRT a few years ago, and I e-mailed Exxis via the link on their
website, and all they replied was "that monitor is discontinued.
we have our replacement monitor available for $3??."
I was able to get a replacement CRT from Video Display Corp
for about $60 and ours is still working.

It sounds like you have a power supply problem, if the monitor portion
doesn't power up. Our unit had a regular B&W monitor chassis in the
bottom, and all Exxis's additional features (switcher, camera power)
were on a large board mounted to the side wall of the monitor,
so it should be fairly simple to troubleshoot if the problem is in the
monitor or power supply.

I found a bad electrolytic in the power supply and that fixed it.
Thanks very much for all the supplementary information. You're right
about Exxis's support. They are virtually worthless. Never even got a
call back. Is that a NY call sign?
Best regards, Lenny.


I found a bad electrolytic in the power supply and that fixed it.
Thanks very much for all the supplementary information. You're right
about Exxis's support. They are virtually worthless. Never even got a
call back. Is that a NY call sign?
Best regards, Lenny.


Glad to hear you got your monitor working.
My call's actually a NJ call sign (NY & NJ are both "2"), but I
did have to go to the FCC in NYC to take my test, back in the
late 70s. I've been living in "4" land since '83.
