Maker Pro
Maker Pro

extreme noob question

Hello everyone, I'm just getting into doing some electric hobby stuff. I'm building a hardwired overdrive pedal for my guitar. So far, the only problem I've run into is that I can't find a 2Mohm resistor anywhere. Is it possible to use 2-1Mohm resistors in it's place? If so, how do configure them if they're going into the same position on the terminal strip? I've heard that if you wind them together in parallel, they'll cancel half of their value, so I'm kind of lost as to what to do. Does anyone mind explaining this to me in idiot terms. Thanks, David
Wire two 1M resistors in series. In other words, connect the two resistors end-to-end, then connect the two remaining (unconnected) ends into the circuit in place of the 2M resistor.

So, instead of -----2M----- you'd have -----1M----1M----