Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Extreme login difficulty -- please help

Kind friends

Having requested a new password, then opened my email, followed the link, and created and saved a new PW -- I am experiencing the following difficulty:

Although my username="Hypatia's Protege" (Note the apostrophe) the forum software created a new and distinct user To wit: "Hypatias Protege" (no apostrophe) (Member 33802) -- granting no access to my correct (original) account:(

Please assist me to restore access to my original account (Hypatia's protege) (i.e. member 40292) and with a working password...

Inasmuch as I may not be able to login again, please advise via email:
Email deleted for privacy
Many advance thanks!!!

PS This profile claims to have been created @12 of 2013?!?!?!:confused::confused::confused:
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As you can see, I seem to have solved the problem (via 'use' of my other email address) --- While I don't understand the creation date on the 'new' account - perhaps it is best it remains in place so as to prevent imposture?

Sincere apologies for any unnecessary effort my (above) post may have caused!:oops:

Very best regards
Glad you figured it out..
Was the 'apostrophe' the problem?

It seems that I created the old Acct. (i.e. the Acct. sans the apostrophe) back in 2013 - and forgot about same by the time I created 'this' Acct (last spring) - While I don't recall creation of the first user, the fact that the "new password request link" for said account transmitted to my Gmail addy suggests such to be the case:oops:

Again - I apologize for any inconvenience caused by my OP!

Best regards