Maker Pro
Maker Pro

External clock for Analog to Digital Converter


Bilal Amin

Hi Everyone,
I am working on Jitter in Analog to Digital Converters(ADCs). I am
trying to setup an experiment to see the effects of jitter in real
time ADCs. I have an ADC evalutaion board with external clock input
for sampling (i.e Sampling clock).
Now I want to produce a self created jittery signal to see the effects
of jitter in ADC. Can anyone out there have any idea(s) how I can
produce a real time clock signal with "variable jitter" for the input
of external clock? Producing a simple clock signal (i.e. without
jitter) is straight forward with the help of any signal generator but
a clock signal with "variable jitter" is a problem.

Thanks for your help.



Bob Masta

Hi Everyone,
I am working on Jitter in Analog to Digital Converters(ADCs). I am
trying to setup an experiment to see the effects of jitter in real
time ADCs. I have an ADC evalutaion board with external clock input
for sampling (i.e Sampling clock).
Now I want to produce a self created jittery signal to see the effects
of jitter in ADC. Can anyone out there have any idea(s) how I can
produce a real time clock signal with "variable jitter" for the input
of external clock? Producing a simple clock signal (i.e. without
jitter) is straight forward with the help of any signal generator but
a clock signal with "variable jitter" is a problem.

This may be a whole lot easier than you think, depending
on how much jitter you need. If you simply add the good
clock signal and some other modulating signal through a
simple resistive mixer into the input of a logic gate, the
modulating signal will bias the clock to hit the gate threshold
earlier or later than otherwise. Works best if the clock
has slow edges, which you might want to encourage
by a bit of capacitance at the gate input.

If you want a modulating source with plenty of
options (uniform white, pink, gaussian, band-limited noise,
standard waves, arbitrary waveforms, AM, FM, bursts,
sweeps, etc) you can use the sound card signal generator
in my Daqarta package. (Daqarta is shareware, but the
signal generator keeps working after the trial period so
that part is effectively freeware.)

Best regards,

Bob Masta

Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope, Spectrum, Spectrogram, Signal Generator
Science with your sound card!