Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Extending 220v, 30 amp dryer wire



A handyman extended my dryer wiring 40 feet through plastic (PCV??)
electrical conduits (220v, 30 amp). My concern is that he seems to
have used plumbing elbow pcv to make the 90 degree turns rather than
the gradual electric pcv that Home Depot sells for this purpose.
Everything works just fine (the dryer is working etc..). My question
is: Is this code legal to use a 90 degree plumbing connector to join 2
electrical conduits???

Any help is appreciated.


PS-Please e-mail me with a response


WEEEELLLLL, isn't ok, and would not be considered "in code
spec". That being said, I doubt very much that it really makes any
difference, as the PVC tubing simply is supposed to protect the wire from
external physical damage, and any covering would do that. Taking into
consideration that most electricians would have simply run the wire, without
any conduit AT ALL, then I doubt that this is anything to stay awake at
night over.
Be prepared on this forum for people to wax poetically on the technical
details, but what I said is the long and short of it. I doubt that any REAL
licensed electrician would do anything to endanger you, and if it really
bothers you that much, then call him back, and get him to
change it.


Oh...and if the guy was just a handyman, and not a licensed electrician to
begin with...then NON OF THE WORK IS "UP TO CODE"...and one stinkin' elbow
is absolutely the least of your worry.