Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Excess Solar Power Diverter

My utility does not credit or compensate for excess power. Trying to detect when power is going back into grid, "excess pwr". Smart meter has a LCD display of " ERR 07" when excess per flowing to utility. When detecting power direction l will contactor switch to water heating or home heating. This would economically encourge green energy production. Can you help?
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
For a whole lot of reasons I wish there was an energy efficient way to do this without having a grid-connect system, but that's not your question.

Can you read the smart meter in real time? If you can get a data stream from it, you can use something to switch appliances on and off in order to "waste" the minimum amount of power -- or in your case store it in the form of heated water.

My first stop would be determining if I can read the meter data remotely and in real time.