Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Excel file errors Visual basic?



I've been trying to use an Excel sheet for flybacks TL431 Compensation
from Onsemi but I get errors.

There are several errors saying

"Could not load an object because it is not available on the machine"

After about ten of those I get this in a Microsoft Visual Basic box

"Compile error in hidden module:Save"

Does anyone know how I can determine which objects I need to run the

The name of the Excel file from OnSemi is "FLYBACK AUTO".

I have no adobe addins in Excel.
Anyone knows what's up?

You can get the Excel file here. AUTO.ZIP

I've been getting these errors on most of the Onsemi excel files I try
with the exception of very basic work sheets.

I'm using EXCEL 2007.

I'll upload the EXCEL file ABSE too. File name FLYBACK AUTO

Martin Riddle

Hammy said:
I've been trying to use an Excel sheet for flybacks TL431 Compensation
from Onsemi but I get errors.

There are several errors saying

"Could not load an object because it is not available on the machine"

After about ten of those I get this in a Microsoft Visual Basic box

"Compile error in hidden module:Save"

Does anyone know how I can determine which objects I need to run the

The name of the Excel file from OnSemi is "FLYBACK AUTO".

I have no adobe addins in Excel.
Anyone knows what's up?

You can get the Excel file here. AUTO.ZIP

I've been getting these errors on most of the Onsemi excel files I try
with the exception of very basic work sheets.

I'm using EXCEL 2007.

I'll upload the EXCEL file ABSE too. File name FLYBACK AUTO

This runs in 2003, but I get a runtime error if I try to save.
The vba project is locked so I think your out of luck.



I've been trying to use an Excel sheet for flybacks TL431 Compensation
from Onsemi but I get errors.

There are several errors saying

"Could not load an object because it is not available on the machine"

After about ten of those I get this in a Microsoft Visual Basic box

"Compile error in hidden module:Save"

Does anyone know how I can determine which objects I need to run the

The name of the Excel file from OnSemi is "FLYBACK AUTO".

I have no adobe addins in Excel.
Anyone knows what's up?

You can get the Excel file here. AUTO.ZIP

I've been getting these errors on most of the Onsemi excel files I try
with the exception of very basic work sheets.

I'm using EXCEL 2007.

I'll upload the EXCEL file ABSE too. File name FLYBACK AUTO

I get the same error. Even with their new rev 5 version. It is their
problem. They need to develop it with excel 2007. They should also
release the password so that we can see the source code and debug it


Nope, no luck with 5, same error.
Anyone good at cracking VBA passwords?

I tried OnSemi, etc.

I figured it would just be best to ask him for it.

It is likely something related to the author.


I understand that Excel 2007 is a POS and has numerous problems.
Ditch it and use version 2003.

I understand that you are a goddamned retard and a pissy little bitch.
I think I'll ditch your retarded 'advice' and do what my superior brain
tells me to do.

Martin Brown

Hammy said:
I've been trying to use an Excel sheet for flybacks TL431 Compensation
from Onsemi but I get errors.

There are several errors saying

"Could not load an object because it is not available on the machine"

After about ten of those I get this in a Microsoft Visual Basic box

"Compile error in hidden module:Save"

What that usually means is that the VBA is in a particular dialect of
one specific version of XL. Usually and older one where for some reason
the hackers at Mickeysoft decided to withdraw backwards compatibility.

Try it on XL97, XL2000 or XL2003 and one of them might work. My guess is
the code is X97 specific (you may be able to take an educated guess from
the files datestamp and/or header structure).
Does anyone know how I can determine which objects I need to run the

The name of the Excel file from OnSemi is "FLYBACK AUTO".

I have no adobe addins in Excel.
Anyone knows what's up?

You can get the Excel file here. AUTO.ZIP

I've been getting these errors on most of the Onsemi excel files I try
with the exception of very basic work sheets.

I'm using EXCEL 2007.

I'll upload the EXCEL file ABSE too. File name FLYBACK AUTO

You have no chance of getting an old XL2003 or earlier program written
using VBA to run correctly on XL2007. The best that you can hope for is
that it doesn't crash horribly. Graphics objects coordinates are
entirely different and various fundamental directory search functions
are dead in the water. XL team blames Vista team and vice versa.

XL2007 SP1 is still unstable. Too early to tel if SP2 is really an
improvement and it is a hell of a size download at 650MB.

Martin Brown

Martin Riddle

Hammy said:
Yep same errors with the newer file.

I think I have an excel 2003 disc around here somewhere. I'll try

What I believe is missing is a Reference to the MS XL routines, since it
cannot save a xls.
But since the project is password protected, you cant add the Reference.



What I believe is missing is a Reference to the MS XL routines, since it
cannot save a xls.
But since the project is password protected, you cant add the Reference.

Well it does work with excel 2003 (Office 2003 SP3).
I can save results in a spread sheet to anywhere on my HD.

I've been haveing these problems with Excel for a while.I think I'll
stick with 2003.

Thanks for the help.


I downlaoded the file. It is 64,391 bytes. I treid to unzip it wand
was informed there were no zipped files in the document. I looked at
the file with Wordpad. It is a HTML web page. Change the file type and
see what you get with what you downloaded.

With both links I get a zip file with the excel file and pdf. I just
retested and I still get them.

I dont know what your doing?

I got the original link from Basso's page.

The link to Basso's page is here for anyone intrested.Lots of SMPS

The PDF I got the link for the excel file is at the bottom of the page
under "The TL431 in loop control", or here is a direct link.

~1MB,42 Pages TL431 in loop control.pdf


Nope, no luck with 5, same error.
Anyone good at cracking VBA passwords?

OpenOffice Calc didn't ask any passwords...
Here is Save module (Everything commented out. I don't know why)


Rem Attribute VBA_ModuleType=VBAModule
Sub Save
Rem Option Explicit
Rem Public Sub SaveBook()
Rem Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Rem Dim fName
Rem Dim NewBook
Rem Dim j
Rem Dim saveFile
Rem fName = UserForm1.tChooseDir.Value & "\" & UserForm1.tFileName.Value
Rem If Dir(UserForm1.tChooseDir.Value, vbDirectory) = "" Or
Dir(UserForm1.tChooseDir.Value, vbDirectory) = "." Then
Rem MsgBox "Please choose an existing directory", vbCritical
Rem saveFile = False
Rem ElseIf UserForm1.tFileName.Value = "" Or UserForm1.tFileName =
".xls" Then
Rem MsgBox "No file name specified", vbCritical
Rem saveFile = False
Rem ElseIf UserForm1.tFileName.Value = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Name
Rem MsgBox "This file name can not be used", vbInformation
Rem UserForm1.tFileName.Value = ""
Rem saveFile = False
Rem ElseIf UserForm1.CBoxFiles.ListCount > 0 Then
Rem For j = 0 To UserForm1.CBoxFiles.ListCount - 1
Rem UserForm1.CBoxFiles.ListIndex = j
Rem If UserForm1.tFileName.Value = UserForm1.CBoxFiles.Value
Rem If MsgBox("This file already exist, do you want to
overwrite it ?", vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then
Rem saveFile = True
Rem Else
Rem saveFile = False
Rem MsgBox "File not saved", vbInformation
Rem End If
Rem Exit For
Rem Else
Rem saveFile = True
Rem End If
Rem Next
Rem Else
Rem saveFile = True
Rem End If
Rem If saveFile Then
Rem Set NewBook = Workbooks.Add
Rem With NewBook
Rem Call FormatBook
Rem Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Rem .SaveAs (fName)
Rem .Close
Rem Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Rem End With
Rem MsgBox "File saved !", vbInformation
Rem Call ListBook(UserForm1.tChooseDir.Value)
Rem End If
Rem UserForm1.tFileName.Value = ""
Rem Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Rem End Sub
Rem Public Sub ReadBook()
Rem Dim i
Rem i = 1
Rem Do
Rem SMPS.Vars.Cvars(ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Value).Value =
ActiveCell.Offset(i, 1).Value
Rem i = i + 1
Rem Loop Until (ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Value = "")
Rem Call LoadDefault
Rem UserForm1.MultiPage1.Value = 0
Rem UserForm1.MultiPage2.Value = 0
Rem UserForm1.MultiPage1(1).Enabled = False
Rem UserForm1.MultiPage1(2).Enabled = False
Rem UserForm1.MultiPage1(3).Enabled = False
Rem UserForm1.MultiPage1(4).Enabled = False
Rem UserForm1.MultiPage1(5).Enabled = False
Rem UserForm1.MultiPage1(6).Enabled = False
Rem End Sub
Rem Public Sub VerifBook(file)
Rem Dim i
Rem Dim tempsum
Rem Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Rem With Application.Workbooks.Open(file)
Rem i = 1
Rem Range("b1").Select
Rem Do
Rem tempsum = tempsum + sumstr(ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Value)
Rem i = i + 1
Rem Loop Until (ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Value = "")
Rem If Range("a1").Value = tempsum And IsNumeric(Range("a1").Value)
And Range("a1").Value <> "" Then
Rem Call ReadBook
Rem InUseFile = Dir(file)
Rem .Close
Rem Else
Rem .Close
Rem MsgBox "This file is not a valid save file", vbExclamation
Rem End If
Rem End With
Rem Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Rem End Sub
Rem Public Sub ListBook(UsedDir)
Rem Dim i, j
Rem Dim str
Rem Dim index
Rem UserForm1.CBoxFiles.Clear
Rem With Application.FileSearch
Rem .LookIn = UsedDir
Rem .FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks
Rem If .Execute() > 0 Then
Rem For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
Rem str = Split(.FoundFiles(i), "\")
Rem If str(UBound(str)) <> Application.ActiveWorkbook.Name
Rem UserForm1.CBoxFiles.AddItem str(UBound(str))
Rem End If
Rem If InUseFile <> "" Then
Rem For j = 0 To UserForm1.CBoxFiles.ListCount
Rem If InUseFile = UserForm1.CBoxFiles.Value Then
Rem UserForm1.CBoxFiles.ListIndex = j
Rem End If
Rem Next
Rem Else
Rem UserForm1.CBoxFiles.ListIndex = 0
Rem End If
Rem Next i
Rem UserForm1.lErrorLoading.Caption = ""
Rem UserForm1.Frame25.Visible = True
Rem Else
Rem UserForm1.lErrorLoading.Caption = "Directory doesn't exist
or no saved files inside"
Rem UserForm1.Frame25.Visible = False
Rem End If
Rem End With
Rem End Sub
Rem Public Sub FormatBook()
Rem Dim data As Object
Rem Dim i
Rem i = 1
Rem Range("a1").Value = 0
Rem Range("b1").Select
Rem For Each data In SMPS.Vars.Cvars
Rem ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Value = data.Name
Rem ActiveCell.Offset(i, 1).Value = data.Value
Rem Range("a1").Value = Range("a1").Value + sumstr(data.Name)
Rem i = i + 1
Rem Next
Rem End Sub
Rem Public Function sumstr(str)
Rem Dim char
Rem sumstr = 0
Rem For char = 1 To Len(str)
Rem sumstr = sumstr + Asc(Mid(str, char, 1))
Rem Next
Rem End Function
End Sub

Martin Brown

You have no chance trying to get it to work under XL2007 unless you have
source code access. XL2007 VBA is gratuitously incompatible with all
previous versions breaking lots of XL based VBA based applications.
I have not noticed any difference.

You can't be doing anything very demanding or complex then.

Hardy any non-trivial XL2003 spreadsheets will work on XL2007 without
significant modifications if they use VBA FileSearching or graphics
objects. Out of the box you get two ticks for 10^8 on log graphs and
other ludicrous cosmetic errors. XL2007 SP1 charting works but is
glacially slow. SP2 promises to be a bit faster.

XL2003 is the program of choice if you like to use a stable product.

Martin Brown

Martin Riddle

E said:
OpenOffice Calc didn't ask any passwords...
Here is Save module (Everything commented out. I don't know why)


Rem Attribute VBA_ModuleType=VBAModule
Sub Save
Rem Option Explicit
Rem Public Sub SaveBook()
Rem Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Rem Dim fName
Rem Dim NewBook
Rem Dim j
Rem Dim saveFile
Rem fName = UserForm1.tChooseDir.Value & "\" &
Rem If Dir(UserForm1.tChooseDir.Value, vbDirectory) = "" Or
Dir(UserForm1.tChooseDir.Value, vbDirectory) = "." Then
Rem MsgBox "Please choose an existing directory", vbCritical
Rem saveFile = False
Rem ElseIf UserForm1.tFileName.Value = "" Or UserForm1.tFileName =
".xls" Then
Rem MsgBox "No file name specified", vbCritical
Rem saveFile = False
Rem ElseIf UserForm1.tFileName.Value =
Application.ActiveWorkbook.Name Then
Rem MsgBox "This file name can not be used", vbInformation
Rem UserForm1.tFileName.Value = ""
Rem saveFile = False
Rem ElseIf UserForm1.CBoxFiles.ListCount > 0 Then
Rem For j = 0 To UserForm1.CBoxFiles.ListCount - 1
Rem UserForm1.CBoxFiles.ListIndex = j
Rem If UserForm1.tFileName.Value =
UserForm1.CBoxFiles.Value Then
Rem If MsgBox("This file already exist, do you want to
overwrite it ?", vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then
Rem saveFile = True
Rem Else
Rem saveFile = False
Rem MsgBox "File not saved", vbInformation
Rem End If
Rem Exit For
Rem Else
Rem saveFile = True
Rem End If
Rem Next
Rem Else
Rem saveFile = True
Rem End If
Rem If saveFile Then
Rem Set NewBook = Workbooks.Add
Rem With NewBook
Rem Call FormatBook
Rem Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Rem .SaveAs (fName)
Rem .Close
Rem Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Rem End With
Rem MsgBox "File saved !", vbInformation
Rem Call ListBook(UserForm1.tChooseDir.Value)
Rem End If
Rem UserForm1.tFileName.Value = ""
Rem Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Rem End Sub
Rem Public Sub ReadBook()
Rem Dim i
Rem i = 1
Rem Do
Rem SMPS.Vars.Cvars(ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Value).Value =
ActiveCell.Offset(i, 1).Value
Rem i = i + 1
Rem Loop Until (ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Value = "")
Rem Call LoadDefault
Rem UserForm1.MultiPage1.Value = 0
Rem UserForm1.MultiPage2.Value = 0
Rem UserForm1.MultiPage1(1).Enabled = False
Rem UserForm1.MultiPage1(2).Enabled = False
Rem UserForm1.MultiPage1(3).Enabled = False
Rem UserForm1.MultiPage1(4).Enabled = False
Rem UserForm1.MultiPage1(5).Enabled = False
Rem UserForm1.MultiPage1(6).Enabled = False
Rem End Sub
Rem Public Sub VerifBook(file)
Rem Dim i
Rem Dim tempsum
Rem Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Rem With Application.Workbooks.Open(file)
Rem i = 1
Rem Range("b1").Select
Rem Do
Rem tempsum = tempsum + sumstr(ActiveCell.Offset(i,
Rem i = i + 1
Rem Loop Until (ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Value = "")
Rem If Range("a1").Value = tempsum And
IsNumeric(Range("a1").Value) And Range("a1").Value <> "" Then
Rem Call ReadBook
Rem InUseFile = Dir(file)
Rem .Close
Rem Else
Rem .Close
Rem MsgBox "This file is not a valid save file",
Rem End If
Rem End With
Rem Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Rem End Sub
Rem Public Sub ListBook(UsedDir)
Rem Dim i, j
Rem Dim str
Rem Dim index
Rem UserForm1.CBoxFiles.Clear
Rem With Application.FileSearch
Rem .LookIn = UsedDir
Rem .FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks
Rem If .Execute() > 0 Then
Rem For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
Rem str = Split(.FoundFiles(i), "\")
Rem If str(UBound(str)) <>
Application.ActiveWorkbook.Name Then
Rem UserForm1.CBoxFiles.AddItem str(UBound(str))
Rem End If
Rem If InUseFile <> "" Then
Rem For j = 0 To UserForm1.CBoxFiles.ListCount
Rem If InUseFile = UserForm1.CBoxFiles.Value
Rem UserForm1.CBoxFiles.ListIndex = j
Rem End If
Rem Next
Rem Else
Rem UserForm1.CBoxFiles.ListIndex = 0
Rem End If
Rem Next i
Rem UserForm1.lErrorLoading.Caption = ""
Rem UserForm1.Frame25.Visible = True
Rem Else
Rem UserForm1.lErrorLoading.Caption = "Directory doesn't
exist or no saved files inside"
Rem UserForm1.Frame25.Visible = False
Rem End If
Rem End With
Rem End Sub
Rem Public Sub FormatBook()
Rem Dim data As Object
Rem Dim i
Rem i = 1
Rem Range("a1").Value = 0
Rem Range("b1").Select
Rem For Each data In SMPS.Vars.Cvars
Rem ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Value = data.Name
Rem ActiveCell.Offset(i, 1).Value = data.Value
Rem Range("a1").Value = Range("a1").Value + sumstr(data.Name)
Rem i = i + 1
Rem Next
Rem End Sub
Rem Public Function sumstr(str)
Rem Dim char
Rem sumstr = 0
Rem For char = 1 To Len(str)
Rem sumstr = sumstr + Asc(Mid(str, char, 1))
Rem Next
Rem End Function
End Sub

Thanks I'll have to remember this OO trick.



Thanks I'll have to remember this OO trick.


At lest for on semi.

I wonder if the code works if it is inserted into excel 2k7 as new code
from this pasted listing.

I wonder if the code can be debugged now. Probably have to paste in each
worksheets as well.

The quest is to make an excel 2k7 fully functional equivalent.

Like in the show "Chopped"... You will have 30 minutes. :)


onsemiflyback had written this in response to
Hello all,
i know that this article is quite old but i didn't know about it before.
I'm working in OnSemiconductor and I designed the spreadsheet you speak
there are some points I want to explain:
- currently, Office 2003 is our standard tool, so we can't go to Office
2007 until our IT team gives us the software
- the spreadsheet is password protected for copyright reasons
- we are looking for a full web application to avoid Office compatibility
problems, but we have nothing functional.

So, based on previous comments, we investigate and found a solution. We
are releasing a new version that solves some bugs but, to be functional,
this spreadsheet requires the Microsoft Office Web Components (for office
2003 of course):

Here is the right way to launch this spreadsheet:
- download and install Microsoft Office Web Components (only once)
- download the spreadsheet and save it where you want
It should be ok !

There is a link on the specification panel to send us a mail, don't
hesitate to use it if you have any problem.

best regards

David Sabatie

Delivered via
Electronics Enthusiasts' Community of the Ne
Web and RSS access to your favorite newsgroup - - 366368 messages and counting


onsemiflyback had written this in response to
Hello all,
I'm working at OnSemiconductor and,particularly, in the team who developed
the spreadsheet you are talking about. first of all, thank for using our
tools !
Concerning the spreadsheet, we need to use Office 2003 as it is our
standard tool; Office 2007 should be in use only at the end of this year.
I know it's a bit limited but password security is used due to copyright

Unless the preceding problems, we investigate the issue you have and found
a solution: first, you must install the Office Web Component from
Microsoft as the spreadsheet requires it; once it's done you should
download again the spreadsheet from our web site. We are also releasing a
new version that resolves different bugs.

thank you for using our tools, best regards

David Sabatie

Delivered via
Electronics Enthusiasts' Community of the Net
Web and RSS access to your favorite newsgroup - - 366448 messages and counting!