I purchased a copy of everycircuit for my Ipad. I find it to be a great investment for many reasomns; the primary one is because it allows you to experiment with circuit builds without blowing real components up
It also helps to learn and appreciate the theory.
I have a few questions to those who may be familiar with the software
1. There has to be a way of copying and pasting a component configuraytion. For example, if I added a LED with a certain. color, there has to be a way of copying and pasting it so that I f=dont' have to add it from scratch each time. Does anyone know how to copy and paste in the everycircuit workspace? You would think the software comes woth a ,manual or at least a goodf help filkes, but it does not.
2. I have attached a schematic welow that i found in everycircuit. Can anyone tell me what the cpomponet is at the very bottom of the circuit. The component that is a circle with what appears to be a Z inside of it? It is the one labelled 1kHz
I have a few questions to those who may be familiar with the software
1. There has to be a way of copying and pasting a component configuraytion. For example, if I added a LED with a certain. color, there has to be a way of copying and pasting it so that I f=dont' have to add it from scratch each time. Does anyone know how to copy and paste in the everycircuit workspace? You would think the software comes woth a ,manual or at least a goodf help filkes, but it does not.
2. I have attached a schematic welow that i found in everycircuit. Can anyone tell me what the cpomponet is at the very bottom of the circuit. The component that is a circle with what appears to be a Z inside of it? It is the one labelled 1kHz