Maker Pro
Maker Pro


I am going to try and recreate/clone the PCB circuit board for above mig welder, but am having trouble in identifying the values and types of transistors on the board, the board is so old the numbers printed on the transistors have now faded away. Does anyone know what the values and type of transistors they are, any help would be greatfully appreciated.
To to everyone who takes the time to read this message, many thanks.
What does the board do? On a MIG the electronics are usually pretty trivial, at the most a variable speed for the wire motor?
There is nothing wrong with the board as yet apart from wires soldered on the printed circuit side to keep it running, it's just in case it ever does burn out or develop a fault we will have a spare to put in, as we will be lost without the welder. So i was thinking of building a spare just in case we have any trouble in the future.
Many thanks for taking the time to reply and reading the post.
The welder has a timer fuction for spot welds so i guess that is probibbly the main fuction for it but i must admit i am not really sure.
Sorry for the delay.
Many wire feeders etc are made by a separate Co, but if the Semi's are no longer identifiable it may be a case reverse engineering it or come up with a similar design, there should not really be that much to either of any electronic units.
Thanks for the advice Minder, I agree; i think that is def the road to go down reverse engineering, infact as far as i can see the only road open.
Many thanks


in 10 posts in this thread so far, you haven't given anyone any info to help you

how about some sharp, clear well lit pix of both sides of the circuit board.
Note on the pix what and where fly leads/terminals go to
THEN someone may be able to offer some helpful ideas

Thanks for taking the time to help Old Steve, i think i may have to make do with the patched up board for now and keep fingers crossed it stays ok.
Many thanks for your input.