Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Errors with Eagle CAD

I am getting this overlap error in eagle cad
however it is the same wire it is overlapping with
Do i need to make amends for removing this error or this is allowable?overlap error.jpg
Do I need to attend to this stop mask error?
Will it affect the working of the circuit in any way?
I have many stop mask errors of this sort..stopp mask error1.jpg


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
The first one looks to me like you've placed silk screen over pads. That's generally baaad.

The second one looks like a hole too close to unconnected traces on the other side.

The third looks like (in part) that your silk screen items are too close to each other (this isn't serious)

The fourth is telling you something about the drill size. What is it? Is it larger than the pad?
The drill size can be a common error and easily fixed. Look in your DRC - you will see preset sizes based on either an Eagle preset or if you have loaded a board house's requirements, then their presets. Look at the "size" tab under DRC, the icon is right below the autorouter on the tool tab.

The silkscreen over pad error is quite common too - per Jeremy Blum, some board houses will scrub that off any overlapping area. I assume they do this on the gerber file prior to producing the board. This is something you may want to contact the board house about to verify prior to sending your file off. Here is a link to a post on that same question.

Notice, I had over 345 stopmask error! I was not going to fix them nor recreate the dozens of components!!

Pic #2 - your via is overlapping the pin's solder field - move the via.
