Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Error code for LTSpice

I am trying to run the simulation, but there is an error code shown as attachment. The .asc file is also attached. Can anyone teach me how to get rid of it?


  • upload_2020-11-3_18-16-23.png
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  • Project(Draft) - Week 6.asc
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Harald Kapp

According to the (incomplete, see below) netlist you have:
R1 NC_01 N008 3.32K tol=1 pwr=0.1

In the schematic this is here:
It seems R1 is not properly connected to the component to the right (missing in this schematic due to missing library).
Also labels for this resistor (R1) and the capacitor are absent from the schematic.

For us to be able to check your .asc file please supply the libraries used that contain these missing components:

Harald Kapp

You must be missing some parts in your library.
Of course, I know I do. that's why I asked the op to post the library he used, too. The LTC/AD standard libraries do not contain these 2 parts.
Do you get the same error message?



@Harald Kapp Yes, I get the same error.
It seems to be related to one of the sources.
It looks like the TS is trying to make a class D amplifier.


Harald Kapp

After some fiddling: Connect the RST input of the LMC555 to a meaningful potential. The open input is the cause for the issue.

Harald Kapp

Apart from the missing RST connection I see that the circuit around the 555 looks rather unusual. I guess it is supposed to be a triangle wave generator, but the circuit doe not match what you find when you look up this kind of circuit with a 555.
@thomasxdddddd : check your circuit and tell us a bit more about what you intend to do and how your circuit is meant to operate.

Harald Kapp

It helps to kick-start LTSPICE with a .IC statement:
Note that I labeled the signal trig.

The transient simulation generates this signal on "out":
AC simulation as in the original file gives a flat line for me, too.
I believe the LMC555 chip within that library is a bit bug as when I switched into a normal 555 chip (NE555), it works and able to produce the "triangular wave" I also made some amendments toward the design, Would you guys giving me some feedback toward the new design. This design is about a class D amplifier, using the 555 chips as a triangular generator, a comparator with 2 outputs, IR2110 gate driver controlling the 2 MOSFETS which control the speakers. I am planning to have a range from 20Hz to 22kHz 100W class D amplifier with 4-ohm load(speaker).


  • Project(Draft) - Week 6.asc
    5.5 KB · Views: 0