Maker Pro
Maker Pro

error code display from pulses circuit

i am looking for ideas on how to build a circuit to display 2 digit error codes on seven segment displays
from pulses from an ecu

at the moment you have to count the led flash ie error code 46 is

flash 4 times pause flash six times and display 10 but which if it was error 55 would also display 10

i thought of using two cd4026 decade counters but
if you had error code 26 ie flash 2 pause flash 6 it would display 8 and if the code was 44 it would be flash 4 pause flash 4 this would also display error 8

which is no good i need it to display the code from the pulses ie display 4 pause 4 as error 44
and 2 pause 6 as error 26

Harald Kapp

Welcome toi EP.
The secret is in the pause which indicates the separation between 10's and 1's digits.
It is probably easiest to use a microcontroller to do the counting and evalkuating the pause.
Like Haralad said above the thing is to identify the pause between the 2 sequences.
If you are not into uC's you can build it by HW only.
The circuit that will identify the pause is called "missing pulse detector".
You should provide more info about the pulses:length,voltage separation time and the pause period.
It may be a nice little project for you.
Like Haralad said above the thing is to identify the pause between the 2 sequences.
If you are not into uC's you can build it by HW only.
The circuit that will identify the pause is called "missing pulse detector".
You should provide more info about the pulses:length,voltage separation time and the pause period.
It may be a nice little project for you.
it is very short literally flashx4 stop split second then flash 6 times for example i have found some missing pulse detectors using a 555 ic see here on the net but how to incorperate it to display on 2 seven segment displays as error 46 ??
As already stated you need to detect the 'pause' between the first set of pulses and the second set.

By applying the input pulse train to a retriggerable monostable you could use the monostable output to 'steer' the pulse train to the first or second counter stages.

All this can be done in software but the discrete circuit approach is still possible and, probably, more informative for the student.
would the 2 circuits i have posted be any good if so would anyone have a diagram on how to integrate them or something similar i could use
