Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Error accessing file(s) on windows network share

Harald Kapp

My setup is as follows:
  • Windows 7 (64) PC with a few folders shared via LAN - router - WIFI.
  • Windows 7 (64) Laptop connected to said PC via WIFI and router.
  • Windows 10 (64) Laptop connected to said PC via WIFI and router.
Up to a few days ago I could access files on the first PC from any of the Laptops without any issue.
Now I get error messages when trying to open various files on the PC from a laptop. The error messages or the faulty results from opening the files differ depending on the type of file (PDF, XLSX, JPEG, ..).
This is not consistent, however - at least not to me: some files can be opened without problem (TXT), other file types show even more mysteriously varying behavior: I could open one XLSX file, but got an error opening the next XLSX file in the same folder.

Going to the PC I can open all files regardless of file type without any problem.
I copied the files to a USB stick, then from the stick to the laptop: no problem opening the file.
I accessed the file (now on the Laptop) from the PC and from the other laptop: no problem.

I therefore conclude that the files per se are not defect as they can be opened on all computers.
The problem seems to be the access from any of the Laptops to the PC only, not in the other direction and not between the Laptops.

I'm now going to set back the PC to June of this year using one of my backups. I'll keep you informed ho it's going to work out.

Harald Kapp

Update: The backup didn't work, same issues as before.

I then remembered that I had to insert a new Realtek LAN card a few weeks ago, as the old one had died. Studying the driver settings I came across an ominous setting "Large Send Offload (IPv4)" which was activated.
Deactivating this setting (without really knowing what either the setting or I were doing :rolleyes:) helped. Access to the PC from the Laptop works like a charm.
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You betcha Harald. Half of the problems I solve are due to the fact that I've seen the same thing before. The more you tell us about the problem you saw and the discovered reason you found to fix it, helps other people who run into a similar situation. I know you were giving us a play-by-play of what happened and what you found so that somebody else who finds themselves in a similar situation realizes the potential cause.
'm sure I'm not the only one who appreciates that. People looking for information now have your experience to help them with finding causes/solutions.