Maker Pro
Maker Pro

entrepreneurs and companies that work in the field of electrical engineering

Hello! I'm a freshman at Electrical Engineering in my university here in Brazil and as I'm really new to
this area, I would like to know who are the entrepreneurs and companies that work in the field of electrical engineering and how they work (like coworking etc.).
I would really appreciate it if you guys could help me out, thanks in advance and sorry for my English.
Hmm, I always thought "analogue" was the important word in the industry, not that I know what other people are doing.

Find analogues between all pressure mediums, like electronics, hydrolics and pneumatics, even mechanical logic - ring a bell with each other, and can help you get your machine designs from the initial unworking phase, to fully operational.
I live in French and i am studying electronics engineering at school. There is a lot of companies like: Thalès, Altran, even Airbus which recrute Young enginneer; So Don't worry about getting job at the end.
I say that but i Don't know how is it in Bresil so...
I would have thought that even a freshman would know how to Google the criteria to resolve that lack of information. Even good old 'Yellow Pages' would work if you lived somewhere that the internet didn't work - but since you messaged here..........
I agree what the blue eyes above say. There is dosens of videos on youtube and sources on web that you can learn from. Watch those, and then if there is some specific things you don't get to understand - THEN it makes sense to ask on this forum.

Furtermore - there is one more thing that makes the question stupid : I know nothing about you and what you already may know about electronics. Like, are you familiar with ohms law? Do you know the basics of other semi conductors like bjt's?

Without none of that information - it's like no point in using time to help, because the answer you get (and somebody spend time to write that to aid) it may be way above your understanding so far. Or ther could be other way around. Either way, no credits earned for hard work (if you see what I mean).

It's like ME asking YOU to help me build a space ship with no further information whatsoever. Do you know if there is just a nut and bolt that is missing, or do I want to calculate the excact amount of thrust to get in orbit through mars? (actually there may be members on this forum that is capable of so, who knows).